Do you have an urgent prayer request? Our prayer team would love to personally support you through prayer, no matter what you’re going through. Click the link below and fill out the short form to let us know how we can pray for you.
When you enter a prayer request, it’ll go to the prayer team at Life.Church. You can share a request for yourself, or for a loved one. They’ll reach out and pray for you, provide spiritual support, and offer helpful next steps. They’ll also share opportunities for consistent life-giving relationships, in person or online.
Find Courage in God’s Strength
When life is hard, we can always turn to God through prayer. He’s always ready to provide you with the hope, comfort, and courage you need to keep moving forward.
You or one of your family members may be facing medical issues, doubts, financial hardship, difficult coworkers, or any number of challenging situations. No matter what you urgent need happens to be, prayer can bring comfort to even the worst situations.
God is faithful and hears our prayers. That’s because He cares about us and wants us to find peace in Him. As Pastor Craig Groeschel often says, “If it matters to you, it matters to God.”
So, when we face personal, relational, or global challenges, we can seek God and find His help. His Holy Spirit is present with us in good times and in bad times.
For some example prayers for strength, check out this article.
There's Power in Collective Prayer
God is our ultimate source of courage, but He also invites us to find strength in relationships. That’s why it’s so important for us to share our urgent prayer requests with others.
Our friends, family, and church community can help us navigate any challenge we might be facing. It might be hard to share what you’re going through, but it’s worth it. God has placed these people in your life to help you.
If you don’t currently have close, trusted friends, consider finding a LifeGroup, whether in person or online. LifeGroups are small groups of people who seek God together. They can be a source of comfort and strength, and also allow you to use your gifts to support others.
Keep Praying
God answers prayers. Sometimes He answers our prayers in a moment, and other times it can take longer than we expect.
There’s no math equation or magic words we can use to make God answer our urgent prayers on our schedule. Instead, we need to trust that God is always working for our good, even when we can’t see it.
So we’d encourage you to keep pursuing Jesus Christ in prayer and leaning into trusted relationships. In the meantime, we’d love to provide prayer support and offer a few next steps.
We’re eager to hear from you, learn more about your story, and pray for you.