
Featured Anxiety Articles

Be Anxious for Nothing: A Guide to Finding Peace 18 minutes

If you’re fighting anxiety, you’re not alone. Peace is possible—maybe closer than you think. Discover how you can be anxious for nothing.

Try This Prayer for Anxiety and Depression (Trust Me, It Helps)

Lori Meek 4 minutes

Sometimes life beats you down, and it seems there’s no escape. If you can’t shake your fear, try this prayer for anxiety. Trust me, it helps!

Free Resources To Help Fight Anxiety and Fuel Hope

Hope exists. It’s an expectation, founded in experience, that good is coming. We want to give you that kind of hope however we can. That’s why we created this completely free email series.

Entering your email won't automatically make your stress or anxiety go away. However, it will allow us to send you practical tips from a therapist, people’s real stories, and free resources full of hope.

Just enter your email, and you’ll receive your first email today with free anxiety help and resources full of hope.

Try This Prayer for Anxiety