
Featured Articles

Looking for Hope After Miscarriage? My Story Might Help

Kayla Stump 5 minutes

If you’re looking for hope after miscarriage, you’re not alone. I’m still finding hope for myself, and here’s what I’m learning about God in the process. 

How to Heal From Grief When the Pain Seems Like It’s Taking Over

Cortlyn Borchers 4 minutes

At 19, I didn’t know how to process the sudden loss of my big brother. I’m still learning how to heal from grief, but the pain isn’t taking over anymore. 

Can we send you some free grief resources?

There’s no cure for grief, but you can find peace.

If you’re grieving the loss of someone you love, a relationship, or a dream, you’re not alone. How do we begin healing after a life-changing loss? We do it together.

Join us on a four-week journey toward hope and healing. Each week, we’ll send you an email with practical tools from experts, advice from experienced leaders, and stories of people finding hope after loss. 

Every resource is free and helpful, but not a replacement for professional care.


How I'm Facing the Pain of Cancer and Loss