A Veteran Suffering From PTSD Shares How the Bible Is Helping

Jason Inman • 2 minutes

We just came across this YouVersion video and blog post about a veteran suffering from PTSD who’s finding hope. We just had to share it here. Watch the video and you’ll see why.

“I was … being tormented every night through vivid hallucinations … reliving events that had occurred in Afghanistan. … that’s just one of the symptoms of PTS and TBI: I couldn’t actually read. I’d read the same sentence four, five, six times. The words just weren’t making sense. … you can’t hear God’s Word and not be affected. … He’s turned my entire life around. I’ve had physical healing, emotional healing.”

The Bible is full of help and hope for the daily things we face. Whether it’s PTSD, depression, natural disasters, suicide, marriage issues, parenting, addiction, or navigating the the workplace.

As you watch how God’s Word is completely changing this veteran and his family, think about what listening to or reading God’s word could begin to change in your life. This one daily practice played a powerful role in helping this veteran overcome the post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury that had been tormenting him. Even if you’re not suffering from PTSD, what do you need freedom from?

God Has Plans to Give You Hope and Healing

… This message is from the Lord. “I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future.”  Jeremiah 29:11

Reading plans, Bible plans, devotionals—whatever you call them, they give you just a little to read (or listen to) each day. Here are two Bible Plans specifically for those who have served in the military: Wiser and Happier: Special Military Edition and Our Daily Bread: Military Edition—to help you start getting God’s Word speaking into the flow of your everyday life. But there is a Bible Plan for everyone. Go find one and start writing your story of hope and healing.