3 Practical Ways to Fully Surrender to God Every Day

Jess Holland • 4 minutes

We all crave control. Whether we’re seeking control at work, in relationships, or over our future, there’s something comforting about calling the shots. But control comes with pressure—the weight of responsibility. Every success and every failure rests on your shoulders. What if there was a better way? 

God never intended for us to carry that load alone. He calls us to live each day fully surrendered to Him. We’re not meant to be in control … ever. 

If that’s true, why do we crave control so much? 

Why We Like Control

Control can make us believe we’re protecting ourselves from the unknown. We think we can avoid pain, failure, and disappointment by maintaining a firm grip on our life’s circumstances. 

The problem is that control doesn’t deliver what it promises. Trying to manage every detail of our lives only leaves us anxious, frustrated, and even more uncertain than before. It’s exhausting, and it's not how God designed us to live.

That’s why surrender is better. 

What Does It Mean to Surrender to God?

When we let go of control and surrender to God, we’re not giving up—we’re handing over our burdens to our good Father, who loves us and knows what’s best for us. Surrendering to Him brings peace because we trust that God’s working all things together for good, even when we can’t see how. 

Where control fails, surrender frees us to rest in God’s plan.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT

Does this verse mean we’re supposed to live passively and expect God to step in and clear the way for us? No, but the true meaning is pretty incredible.

You can make a decision to trust and make a habit of trust.

This verse tells us that you can make a decision to trust and make a habit of trust. Trust begins with a decision or commitment—you start by believing that God has a good plan for your life

The habit of trust builds over time as you see Him work in unexpected ways—even through the hardest times of your life. 

3 Practical Ways to Surrender to God

Submitting to God, or living fully surrendered, means releasing control. Here are three practical ways to live this out every day.

1. Decide Before Your Feet Hit the Ground

You wake up, and the day’s about to get busy—it’s full speed ahead before you even realize it. As soon as you wake up, ask God to lead your steps throughout the day. This doesn’t have to be a long prayer. It can be as simple as, “Guide me, Father. I trust You.

2. Set Reminders 

It’s not a question of if something unexpected will happen during your day; it’s a question of when. Your kid wakes up extra grumpy, or you do! Your boss gives you a huge assignment with a tight deadline. A bill hits, and you don’t know how you’re going to pay it. 

Set up a few reminders ahead of time, so that when life happens, you’re ready to ask God to take control. This could look like a sticky note at your desk or a reminder that pops up on your phone. You could also try committing to pray each day at lunch to hand your worries over to God.

3. Keep Going

Living fully surrendered takes practice. And you’re never going to be perfect at it. That’s not the point. The goal is to be so closely connected to God, to be in such a deep and meaningful relationship with Him, that no matter what comes, you trust Him. 

There’s a promise from God of what will happen when you do—He will show you which path to take (Proverbs 3:6 NLT). Your life will be full of meaning and impact when you release control and give it to God. 

There will be days when it feels almost impossible to let go, especially when life is chaotic or uncertain. But those are the exact moments when surrender matters the most.

Surrendering to God Is a Daily Practice

Surrendering to God is a daily practice, and over time, as you keep trusting God, you’ll begin to see beauty and freedom in letting Him lead. Even when it’s hard, remember that surrender doesn’t mean losing—it means gaining God’s peace, wisdom, and direction.

If you’re finding it difficult to release control, start small. Take a moment today to pray and ask God to show you one area of your life where you can trust Him more. 

Whatever it is, give it to Him, and trust that He’s guiding you. As you continue releasing control to God, you’ll discover that His way is better. This is where true freedom is found.