Looking for Captions for Pictures of Yourself? Here’s Some Direction

Courtney Spoon • 2 minutes

Every month, more than 27,000 people google “captions for pictures of yourself.” When I heard this it, honestly, didn’t surprise me, because I used to be in that statistic. I didn’t know what to caption my selfies because I didn’t know who I was. In a way, I was searching for someone else to bring value to my picture by validating who I wanted to be in my followers’ eyes.

Social media platforms are a form of personal marketing. They go beyond aesthetically pleasing pictures and clever tweets—they communicate who you are as a person. There’s a constant battle to be short, sweet, and witty, but not conceited. No wonder captions for pictures of yourself are so hard to come up with! And no wonder selfies are often posted captionless! We end up waiting for someone else to tell us who we are.

When I started to post with intention, my posts started to have direction.

But here’s the flip side. Social media can be a platform we use to give positive, encouraging content to our followers. It used to boost my self-confidence when my selfie would get lots of likes and comments, but now I don’t need that to feel my self-worth. When I started to post with intention, my posts started to have direction. So, instead of trying to portray yourself in a certain way for your followers, give them some encouraging truths.

Here are some captions for pictures of yourself that you can start using immediately.

  1. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14 NIV
  2. Flawed, yet still worthy.
  3. Today I choose contentment.
  4. “Happiness is a choice—a choice to be joyful, no matter the circumstances.” —Sadie Robertson
  5. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7 NLT
  6. Thankful for a new day and fresh starts.
  7. “Peace doesn’t mean you won’t have problems. It means problems won’t have you.” —Lecrae
  8. This is the face of an imperfect person who’s loved by God.
  9. This smile is brought to you by more of God’s grace than I deserve.
  10. “ … the joy of the Lᴏʀᴅ is your strength …” Nehemiah 8:10 NIV (And my strength.)

So, the next time you feel stuck and the only caption you can think of is Drake’s “I only love my bed and my *insert-any-noun,” then just think of some of the things you know to be true. Think of encouragement that you can share. Make your selfies have direction by intentionally typing an uplifting caption.