Spiritual Warfare Sounds Weird, But It’s Real, And You Can Win

Cindy Beall • 3 minutes

Spiritual warfare is one of those terms you’ll hear if you’re around the Christian church for a while. It can sound creepy or weird, but it’s not. It’s about fighting what’s unseen by your eyes, yet is as real as anything you can see. Do you have a thought pattern you need to break but can’t seem to get anywhere? Well, you probably need to engage in some spiritual warfare. It’s okay; it’s not scary; and you can win. Read this excerpt from the Mastermind Bible Plan to help you understand.

Inside my head is a gal named “Worst Case Scenario Cindy.” She often gets entangled in a lie that flows from a thought that stems from the fear of what could happen. She’s been known to entertain this fear more than she should.

I find myself going down an unhealthy road in my mind the moment unwanted circumstances present themselves. But just because bad things can occur doesn’t mean they will occur. If you find yourself engaging in this toxic mental tradition, let’s change that.

A spiritual stronghold is a thinking pattern that’s harmful because it’s built on falsehood. Strongholds can come from a variety of places: our surroundings, other people, and of course, the forces of darkness directed by our spiritual enemy. They affect our feelings, responses, and freedom. While a stronghold in ancient times was meant to keep enemies out, the forces of evil want to erect a stronghold to prevent negative thought patterns from ever leaving our minds. They work tirelessly, making it vital that we learn how to resist the forces of darkness.

If you wonder what strongholds are in your life, simply ask yourself this question: What negative thing has a strong hold in my life? It could be bitterness, worry, pride, or fear. If it’s ugly and you don’t like it, chances are it’s a stronghold. Once you’ve recognized it, then find a Scripture that says the opposite, and fight it.

It’s a war. A spiritual war to reclaim truth and peace in our minds. We cannot feel our way through spiritual warfare. We must use our greatest weapon—God’s Word. If you believe you’re unloved or unwanted, resist the lie by proclaiming, “I am a co-heir with Christ. I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child.” (Romans 8:17; Ephesians 1:3-7) Speaking truth is the easy part; living it takes practice. You may not “feel” like it’s the truth, but it is. Speak it until you feel it. And then when you feel it, keep speaking it because it’s part of your fight in this war.

And are you armored up for the fight? The spiritual forces of darkness are always on the clock, committed to their cause of making our lives miserable. So grab that breastplate of righteousness, that glorious shield of faith, that all-powerful sword of the Spirit, and that mighty helmet of salvation, all the while standing there with your feet fitted with the gospel of peace. And stand your ground. No more negative strongholds on your watch.

You’ve got this. Because God’s got you.