Have you ever felt uncertain, not knowing what your next step should be? Do you struggle to have faith when life is unpredictable? If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. The good news is that we can learn from plenty of people in the Bible who also had to walk through frightening seasons of uncertainty, yet had remarkable faith.
You won’t always know all the answers. But you can still fully trust God even in your darkest moments. These stories of faith from the Bible will encourage you to do just that.
5 Examples of Faith
Having faith can be a real challenge when it’s hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Fortunately, the Bible is full of stories of faith that can provide us with guidance and inspiration.
1. Abraham Trusted God’s Call
Imagine if God told you to leave everything you’ve ever known behind. How would you respond? Abraham’s story starts with God inviting him to abandon his old life.
Abraham showed remarkable faith in God by leaving his homeland to journey to an unknown land with his family. God had promised to show him this land. Abraham obeyed, trusting God with a complete life change without even knowing much detail.
Remarkable faith isn’t complicated. It’s displayed through simple trust in God.
Abraham’s powerful example shows us that remarkable faith isn’t complicated. Instead, it’s displayed through simple trust in God. Of course, Abraham’s faith wasn’t perfect—no one’s is. He had moments when he doubted God’s promises and let his own desires get in the way of God’s plans. Still, we can find inspiration in his example of obedience and trust in God.
2. Ruth Trusted God’s Plan
Ruth was a Moabite woman and the daughter-in-law of Naomi, a widow. When Ruth’s husband also died, she pledged her loyalty to Naomi and returned to Bethlehem with her, trusting God would provide for them both. Ruth left her family behind to come to a new land with Naomi and live among people she did not know.
Ruth continued to trust God and worked hard gleaning grain in the fields to support Naomi and herself. She just “happened” to work in the field of Boaz, a wealthy relative of Naomi’s late husband. Boaz noticed and admired Ruth’s faithfulness to her mother-in-law, Naomi.
Explore Ruth’s story in this seven-day Bible reading plan.
Following Naomi’s guidance, Ruth approached Boaz to fulfill his role as a kinsman-redeemer. This was someone who could marry her and restore her family line. Boaz agreed, solved legal matters, and married Ruth. Their son was Obed, who would become the grandfather of King David—and end up in the lineage of Jesus.
Through faith and obedience to God, Ruth demonstrated her full trust in Him all while not knowing what was going to happen. Remaining steadfast in her faith brought her the blessing of being an important part of the lineage of Jesus Christ.
Whatever has happened in your life, just remember God has a plan for you.
Whatever has happened in your life, just remember God has a plan for you. You can find peace in knowing that He will take care of you.
3. Esther Risked Her Life to Save Her People
Esther was a young and secretly Judean woman who became the Queen of Persia just before a time of crisis, when the king’s advisor issued a decree to annihilate the Judeans.
Mordecai, Esther’s cousin, encouraged Esther to speak to King Xerxes. But approaching the king without being called was punishable by death!
Esther fasted and prayed. She trusted God even in the face of death as she courageously said, “... if I perish, I perish.” She approached the king and exposed both her Judean identity and the plot of the king’s advisor. Because of Esther’s bravery, the king issued another decree and saved her people.
Esther’s faith and trust in God delivered her and her people from genocide. God can use anyone, in any position, in any circumstance to accomplish His purpose. Trust that He can use you.
4. Daniel Trusted God in the Lions’ Den
Daniel was a high-ranking official in the Persian Empire known for his integrity and devotion to God. He prayed three times a day. Some jealous officials convinced King Darius to issue a decree that would forbid praying to anyone except the king for 30 days. Daniel knew the consequences, but he continued to pray openly, as he had always done.
Daniel was reported to the king, who was forced to follow through with his own decree, throwing Daniel into a den of lions. Daniel’s faith remained steadfast. He trusted that God would take care of him. God sent an angel to shut the lions’ mouths, and Daniel emerged unharmed the next morning.
This led to King Darius proclaiming God’s power throughout his kingdom. Daniel had remarkable faith that God would deliver him from the lions, and it not only gave him strength, but also helped others get to know God.
5. The Roman Centurion Trusted Jesus
In Matthew 8:5-13, a Roman centurion came to Jesus with a request to heal his paralyzed servant. But this army officer was different from others who came to Jesus. He didn’t ask for Jesus to be physically present to heal his servant. Instead, he said, “Just say the word from where you are, and my servant will be healed” (Matthew 8:8 NLT).
This military leader had a remarkable amount of faith in Jesus’ authority. As a commander of soldiers, he knew that when he gave an order, it would be carried out. So he saw Jesus as someone with authority over the world, including sickness and nature itself.
Jesus was amazed at the centurion’s faith.
When Jesus heard this, he was amazed. Turning to those who were following him, he said, “I tell you the truth, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel!” Matthew 8:10-13 NLT
This story teaches us that true faith is trusting in God’s power and authority. The centurion’s faith was not limited by his profession, past, nationality, or ethnicity. Instead, it demonstrated humility, trust, and God’s grace.
You Can Have Remarkable Faith Too!
It’s easy to look at the people in these stories of faith and think you might not have as much courage, you might doubt too much, you’re too scared, or you “just don’t have it in you.” Take heart knowing that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is in you.
The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you. Romans 8:11 NLT
How can you have remarkable faith?
Having remarkable faith is not about having all the answers or never facing doubts. It’s about trusting God with all you are. As we grow in trust, obedience, and perseverance, our faith becomes a testimony to God’s love and power. Let’s choose to walk by faith and allow God to do remarkable things through us.
Reflect or Discuss: How can you have remarkable faith and put your full trust in God today? What area of your life are you not trusting Him with?