How I’m Learning Not to Worry While Dealing With Uncertainty

Tommy Bond • 5 minutes

It’s still early in the morning as I write this. In my part of the world, it’s dark outside right now. The only sounds I hear are the click of my keyboard as I type, and the occasional sipping of coffee as I drink from one of my favorite mugs. Everything is still. All feels normal right now, in this quietness. But I know that as the sun comes up, I’m going to quickly be reminded—by everything and everyone—that the time we are living in is anything but normal. I’m trying not to worry while dealing with uncertainty.

Life is full of unknowns and it can be overwhelming. There are plenty of valid fears. There are lives at stake around the world, and each day things change rapidly, sometimes hour to hour. Feeling worried during these times is a normal, human response. But God isn’t calling us to live worried.

Now, more than ever, I’ve been dwelling on the words of Jesus, especially the words He spoke when He gave His Sermon on the Mount to a large crowd: 

“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34 NASB

That quote pulled me into the Bible, and I began reading the chapter that those words came from. In the sixth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, starting at verse 25, there’s a subheading in the version I’m reading. It says, “The Cure for Anxiety.” I felt like God was smiling at me, and saying, “Go ahead, read on.” So I did. Here’s what Jesus had to say to this crowd of worried people who’d gathered for some good news:

“Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?” Matthew 6:26-27 NASB

But wait, there’s more …

“Do not worry then, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’ … for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:31-33 NASB

There’s so much in there that brings me comfort. God reminds us that He cares about us more than we can imagine. He reminds us that worrying doesn’t add time to our lives. And He gives us a simple directive: Focus on today. Don’t worry about tomorrow. 

Here are three ways I’m dealing with uncertainty:

When I begin to worry about my kids—about their future, their education, their health, their faith journey—I take a breath. I pray, “God, You love my kids more than I could ever imagine. How can I love them like You today?” And then I sit with my daughter, and I answer her endless questions, and I watch her color, and I watch her dance, and I remind myself that I won’t always have the ability to spend this much time with her. I hold my son, and I make a few extra attempts at getting him to walk (he’s so close). I thank God for this day, because I’m with them, and they’re with me.

When I begin to worry about my finances—about our bank account, how much is left, how long it will last, retirement—I pause. I pray, “God, You care for the birds of the sky enough to provide for their needs each day, and You care about us so much more than that. Help me to trust that You will meet our needs today.” And then I stop looking at my bank account. Instead, I look at the food in our pantry. I become extra grateful for the bite that I’m taking. I appreciate the blanket that’s keeping me warm. I think of the ways that we can be smart with our resources today. I thank God for showing me how to be more thoughtful in how I consume, and it’s drawing me closer to His heart. 

When I begin to worry about this world we all share—about politics, wars, and tensions around the globe—I stop. I pray, “God, none of us is more precious in Your sight than any other. You love us all equally. You love us all relentlessly. Help us to love each other like that. Help us to see each other as You see us. Lord, help me to do what I can today to bring your love, peace, and restoration into this hurting world. We need you, Jesus. Be present. Be near. Heal our world, Father, and make us all aware of the little invitations You give us each day to join You in that work.” And then I begin my day, looking for opportunities to bring heaven to earth, one interaction at a time.

So what about you? What will you do today? Will you stay paralyzed in the fear of the unknown, thinking on worry after worry, adding no time to your life? Or, when you’re dealing with uncertainty, will you pause, take a breath, and go to God with your anxiety, leaving your fears at His feet? Will you then get up and embrace this day? Because you are needed. At home, at work, and in your community, the world needs you. 

You can bring encouragement to someone today, whether in person or through a phone call or text message. You can also find community and bring God’s love and encouragement to others at your local church—if you don’t already have a church home, you’re warmly invited to any Life.Church location or Life.Church Online.

Maybe today, what you can do is simply be present with the ones you’re with. Maybe today, you just listen for God’s voice. I think you’ll hear Him tell you that you’re needed and known, by Him and by others. Today, more than ever.

I just paused to look out on my back porch. The sun is beginning to rise, and the birds have begun chirping. 

“Lord, thank You for today. Help me to do all I can today, for tomorrow will care for itself. Amen.”