I remember being a young boy watching a hotly contested presidential election night play out on live television. My dad, a pastor, reminded me that whoever won would need our prayers.
My dad taught me that prayer is not a political weapon to wield against whomever you oppose. It’s a spiritual way to invite God to accomplish His work in you and others in our world.
The results of the presidential election I watched as a kid came in differently than how my parents voted. That didn’t stop them from praying for that president and other leaders by name, and sometimes in person, regularly.
So, let’s pray for our mayors, senators, congresspeople, presidents, and other elected officials. Feel free to jump ahead to the five prayers for world leaders and local government. Before we get to the prayers, let’s explore why it’s important to pray for those in authority.
4 Reasons We Pray for Elected Officials
1. World leaders and local officials are made in the image of God.
In Genesis 1:26-28, we see God’s intention for humans. He desires to care for us, and He desires that we be careful as we care for the rest of His creation. If God wants these things for all humans, then we can think of good things to pray for our world leaders and local governments.
2. They are part of our nation and community.
Leaders are responsible for setting, upholding, and enforcing the laws in our communities. But they’re also our neighbors. How did Jesus ask us to treat our neighbors?
“… Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:39 NIV
We can pray for our leaders simply because they are neighbors who need to be loved with the love of Jesus.
3. Christians are called to love everyone (even our enemies).
What if someone’s policies, actions, beliefs, and ways of life are antithetical to what you believe and stand for? What if they are leading efforts that are taking innocent lives? What if you hold them responsible for the financial, cultural, or ethical collapse of a community you are a part of? What if you have received harm from their time in office? Jesus gives us specific directions for how to treat our enemies.
- “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!” Matthew 5:43-44 NLT
4. Early Jesus followers model prayer for people in authority.
Paul, an early Jesus follower, New Testament writer, and leader of many churches, wrote to a leader and church he was mentoring from afar. We can read Paul’s words as wisdom for today.
- The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live. 1 Timothy 2:1-3 MSG
Feeling Political Anxiety?
Prayer is a spiritually healthy way to process political anxiety. Many of us are politically anxious across the globe. Where I’m writing from, in the United States, it feels like we’re always nearing another intense election.
It’s easy to cast our anxious thoughts onto social media, another news article, friends at work, or a text thread with our family. But the way of Jesus invites us to cast our cares on Him.
When we pray, we may not always see world leaders bend to our will, but we will often see our will bend to God’s way.
When we pray, we may not always see world leaders bend to our will, but we will often see our will bend to God’s way. Prayer is a mutual experience of sharing ourselves with God as He shares Himself with us. Through prayer, our hearts become more empathetic, compassionate, whole, settled, and centered on God’s heart toward all of His creation.
5 Prayers for World Leaders and Local Government
1. A Prayer for World Leaders
God, today I pray for my local, state, and national government because I know these jobs often feel unrelenting. I pray all leaders, in every party and from every place, come to a personal experience of knowing You. Please strengthen their families, provide them with rest, and direct them toward plans and policies that benefit all people. And I ask that they would lead with kindness, humility, and integrity. Please remind me to pray for these leaders daily as you also lead me to ways I can live out Your love in my community. Amen.
2. A Prayer for Protection and Safety for Government Leaders
God, You are very good to me. I pray You will be very good to those in public service at all levels in my country and the world. I pray You would keep them safe, bring health to their bodies, and protect their daily routines and travel. You are the ultimate provider, and I pray our leaders will come to know and experience You as a strong refuge. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
3. A Prayer for Mayors and Local Community Leaders
Good Father, You know all about my mayor and local community leaders’ unrelenting work to serve and care for each member of our community. With the fullness of Your Spirit, I ask You to fill them with hope, surround them with empathetic co-laborers, provide them wisdom, and fuel them with more than enough energy to answer their great calling. Amen.
4. A Prayer for Grace Toward Those in Authority
God, I am sorry for when I have been unloving to You and Your creation by speaking about leaders as if they are unworthy of Your love and grace. Will You forgive me for the times I have lacked the wisdom or ability to love my leaders as neighbors made in Your image? Will you continue to humble me as I find ways to serve my community and those who lead it? As You do, will You also help me know when to stand strong for Your truth? Amen.
5. A Prayer for Our Country
God, thank You for loving every person in our country. Please help me to love, care, and believe the best about others. Even though people in our country disagree on many issues, please don’t let political divisions cause us to see others as enemies. Instead, provide us with unity that leads to kind, respectful, and constructive actions. Amen.
Prayer Leads to Action
Prayer is more than just asking God to change the world. It’s spiritual preparation for taking God-powered action. In Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus invites His followers to pray in a way that both asks God to help and leads them to rework their relationships and money habits.
As you pray for your government leaders, consider how your prayers might lead you toward compassionate, unifying action.
Maybe these prayers will inspire you to find ways to partner with local leaders to serve your community. Or you might adjust how you engage with divisive topics on social media. Hopefully, all of us will allow these prayers to help us show a little more grace, kindness, and compassion toward those in authority.
For more practical ways to show kindness despite political division, check out this article: