Joy feels like a word reserved for the holiday season, right? If you walk through any big store between September and December, you’ll probably see some sort of decor using the word “joy” in sparkling white, red, or green letters. But joy isn’t just something for the holiday season—it’s something we get to experience every day.
But what even is joy? And is it basically the same as happiness? Let’s explore together. But as we get started, let’s make one thing clear. You don’t need to be captain positive, the life of the party, or hyper bubbly to have joy. In fact, as we’ll see, it’s possible to have joy even in the worst moments of your life.
What Is Happiness?
Happiness happens to you. When a friend sends words of encouragement, you get the job, or find your lost keys, you feel happy. It’s a response, and it feels good.
And, a lot of the time, happiness is good. God designed our brains to feel happiness, after all. So there’s nothing wrong with being happy or doing God-honoring things that make you happy.
But, like all emotions, happiness fades over time. When the good news becomes old news, the good feelings start to go away. Biblical joy is different.
Joy vs. Happiness
There are many similarities between joy and happiness. They’re both positive, make you smile, and improve your day. But there are also some big differences. So let’s explore the differences between joy and happiness.
The Meaning of Biblical Joy
In the Bible, joy isn’t an emotion. It’s an attitude. Biblical joy is a resilient cheerfulness anchored in the goodness of God.
Think of it like a lens, helping us see our lives in a different way. Joy recognizes the pain people experience every day but also remembers God’s kindness, love, and good plans for the world. Then, joy allows these truths to influence how we speak, act, and present ourselves.
So what does joy look like? Well, like we said earlier, it doesn’t always look like constant smiling and a bubbly personality. Instead, it looks like a perspective informed by the good news of Jesus.
Joy Sees Into the Future
Just imagine your best friend has a surprise party later today, and it’s your job to keep them busy until the celebration kicks off. So while you do ordinary activities with your friend, knowing there’s a party coming changes your attitude.
Knowing good news changes you, and good news is often hard to hide. As followers of Jesus, we know the best news—God loves us despite our flaws and failures and will do whatever it takes to restore every broken, painful, and unjust thing in our world. When we trust this news, joy overflows from our lives into the people around us, no matter what we’re facing.
Joy in God’s Presence
Read this passage written by King David. In it, you’ll see how he’s experiencing pain and doubt, yet he can also rejoice. Why? Because he trusts God’s love, goodness, and salvation.
I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:8-11 NIV
David knew part of what we know today, that God is in the process of making all things new. One day, when Jesus returns, He will wipe every tear from our eyes and create a new world filled with God’s presence.
So while there are plenty of reasons to feel sad, heartbroken, and worried, we also know that a party’s coming in the future. That God will make the wrong things right and the old things new again. A place of eternal joy. So we can face any trial with confidence.

Are You Sure God Has a Plan for My Life?
Does God have a plan for my life? If so, will He tell me, or do I have to figure out God’s plan on my own?
Joyful in Every Situation
The Apostle Paul tells us that we can have joy no matter what’s going on in the world around us or in our personal lives. In one New Testament letter, he writes:
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Philippians 4:4 ESV
This is the same Paul who faced persecution, violence, and hardship for the sake of spreading the good news of Jesus. In those moments of discomfort, pain, and grief, he probably didn’t always feel happy, but he always had joy. That’s because he knew God was with him in the present and that He’s remaking the world through Jesus.
Joy comes from experiencing God’s presence today and trusting His plans for tomorrow.
So when life is hard, joy doesn’t tell us to put a smile on our faces and pretend to be happy. Instead, joy embraces the worst life has to offer without becoming cynical. Joy comes from experiencing God’s presence today and trusting His plans for tomorrow.
How Do I Find Joy?
What if you’re not experiencing joy in God? Is it possible to find joy? Of course! Remember, true joy is a resilient cheerfulness anchored in the goodness of God. So if we want to find joy, we need to remember the goodness and strength of God.
Here are a few practical ways you can remind yourself of God’s goodness.
1. Worship
Worship is anything we do that reminds us that God is in control and we’re not. So when we sing songs at church, we’re declaring God’s qualities and good plans. And when we serve others, we’re putting God’s plans over our own desires. If you want to remember God’s goodness, spend time worshiping God.
2. Spend Time With Joyful People
Do you know any joyful people? The kind of people who are consistently cheerful, compassionate, and full of excitement for how God is working in their lives? If you do, then spend more time around them. You may even ask them how they became such a joy-filled person. If you don’t know anyone like this, then try getting to know some more people at your local church. Chances are, if you’re looking for joyful people, you’ll find them there.
3. Give
There’s a connection between joy and giving. Just watch any Christmas movie. We love getting good gifts from loved ones, and we love giving good gifts even more. But our gifts don’t need to just be items we buy once a year; we can give all year long. We can give our time, expertise, or simply our presence to people in need. When we reflect God’s generous heart, we can experience joy in every season.
God Is the Source of Joy
God wants to help you become a joyful presence in the world around you. In the New Testament, we get a list of qualities God’s Spirit develops in our lives. These are called the fruit of the Spirit. And, you guessed it, one of them in joy. This means that, as we pursue closeness with God, God will fill our hearts with joy.
There’s a party coming in the future when God finishes His restorative work, heals every injury, and wipes away every tear. So we can embrace lasting joy no matter what we’re going through.
A Prayer to Grow in Joy:
Lord, thank You for Your offer of joy. Please help me choose to accept Your offer. Help me to be thankful and to joyfully celebrate what You have done before and what You are doing now. Teach me to be obedient to You in everything I do. In Jesus’ name, amen