Does the term “women’s Bible studies” strike fear in your heart? What will I say? What if I can’t pronounce the books of the Bible? What if no one talks to me? I’m here to tell you to silence those fears, and embrace sisterhood on a whole new level. Honestly, if I could recommend one thing for you to add or keep in your life, it would be to belong to a small group Bible study. But as sincerely as I want this for you, having meaningful connection and spiritual growth is a choice only you can make.
Without a doubt, some of the best Bible study experiences I have had have been shared experiences with women in small groups. There’s something incredibly powerful when we choose to learn about our Creator together. I honestly can’t remember a time when I didn’t belong to or lead a Bible study. I’ve gone through dozens of Bible studies over the past 25 years or so, and these meaningful connections with God and His children have made huge waves in my personal growth. Fears fall to the wayside. Relationships blossom. Our mutual love for God and His Word deepens. These groups were (and are) a true lifeline!
Having meaningful connection and spiritual growth is a choice only you can make.
—Amy Groeschel
My three favorite blessings from small group Bible study:
Spiritual growth: On our own, studying the Bible can prove to be quite a challenge. Where do we start? How much should we cover each day? What additional resources should we use? What do we do when there’s something we don’t understand? These obstacles can easily be overcome through the blessings of a small group Bible study. When I study with other believers my faith is always sharpened, and my mind and heart are renewed in the Truth of the Word of God. We also give each other positive accountability to stay the course of study which helps me grow in my depth of Scripture learning.
- Friendship: The friendships I have made through Bible study groups are the girlfriends that have helped keep me sane through the highs and lows of raising little ones, helped me recognize when I was believing lies, inspired me to be a better wife, and fanned into flame my passion and love for God and His ways. My small group friends are a wealth of wisdom when I need godly advice, and a superb discouragement repellent when I’m down. Many of these small group connections have become lifelong friendships. We throw each other parties and showers. We attend our loved ones’ weddings and funerals.
- Opportunity to serve: When we belong to a small group Bible study we have a great opportunity to serve each other through our spiritual gifts. The leaders can guide us, the teachers can teach us, the organized can administer structure, the merciful can show compassion, the large in faith can strengthen our faith, the servant-hearted can meet practical needs, the hospitable can make all feel welcome, the musically gifted can lead us in worship, the prophet can speak a word from God, the exhorter can encourage us.
I bet you’re getting the idea, but here’s a recent example of how my small group has served by our using our gifts (abilities):
Through a phone call I learned that someone in my small group (let’s call her “Jan”) was in a great personal crisis. As soon as I texted our group, they began lifting up sincere and faith-filled prayers for Jan. Many in the group personally connected with her to share Scripture and bring words of encouragement. I believe one of the biggest blessings came a few days later when our group spontaneously scheduled to meet Jan at my home for a time of listening and prayer. Filled with a few nutritious snacks, tea, and long hugs, my friends listened as Jan shared and offered much love and wisdom. They spoke and powerfully prayed with words of life and faith. The Holy Spirit truly boosted Jan’s hope and her healing progress through this meaningful connection.
Maybe it’s time for you to begin a new chapter in your life and regularly connect with a small group in Bible study. What are you waiting for?
I want to urge you to consider joining or starting a Bible study small group. Check out our Sisters Bible study, The Call. Check with your local church LifeGroup leaders about small group Bible studies held in your area. Like me, maybe you could call a friend or two and start your own group. Remember, great blessings are waiting for you and your group!