You might be familiar with the modern idea of an ambassador. One nation sends a diplomat to live in another nation to represent their home country, improve relationships, and foster peace.
With that in mind, what might this passage mean for us?
We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:20 NIV
Every follower of Jesus is called to be an ambassador of Christ. Let’s explore how to understand this passage and how it can help us make everyday decisions that align with our God-given purpose.
What Do Ambassadors Do?
In the ancient world—the world this passage was written in—the work of an ambassador was similar to that of present-day ambassadors. But with an added complication.
Without modern technology, ambassadors couldn’t reliably receive information from their home country while working in another land. This meant ambassadors would receive a message from their country’s ruler, and then go on a journey to the foreign nation to deliver the message. After the message had been delivered, the ambassador would return home until the ruler had another message to deliver.
When on an official diplomatic mission, the ambassador was the representative of the king they represented. This meant any insult or injury dealt to the ambassador would be the same as insulting or injuring the leader who sent the message.
What Is an Ambassador of Christ?
When we say yes to Jesus, we become a new creation. We gain new life, a new perspective, and a new purpose. We also gain a new home country—Heaven. While we still live in the same country on Earth, we get an overhaul to our eternal citizenship. And as citizens of Heaven, our role is to represent God’s kingdom wherever we go.
A Simple Definition of an Ambassador of Christ
An ambassador of Christ brings the message of and represents God’s grace, love, and forgiveness everywhere they go.
This role is not just a title, but a responsibility—to embody the life and love of Christ Jesus in every aspect of our lives. We’re tasked with bridging the gap between a holy God and a world in need of His grace and love.
The Job Description
What does it actually look like for us to be ambassadors for Christ?
Well, let’s imagine you’re looking for a new job. You might explore LinkedIn or a job site looking at job descriptions that match your talents and background. Then you come across a job description simply labeled “Ambassador of Christ.” Here are some things you’d see:
Thanks for looking into this role as an ambassador of the kind, loving, and all-powerful King of the universe. For this job, we’re looking for just about anyone who wants to make an eternal impact, starting today. All that’s needed is a saving relationship with Jesus and a willingness to become more like Jesus every day.
Here’s some of what you’ll get to do as an ambassador of Christ:
- Show kindness and generosity to people in need.
- Help people get to know Jesus through your words and actions.
- Pray for the good of all, including the people you don’t like.
- Be a source of peace in a divided, anxious world.
- Boldly share the good news of Jesus with kindness and respect.
- Live with integrity in your words and actions.
- Resist the temptation to compromise your calling and hurt yourself and others.
- Rest in God’s grace when you don’t get it right.
Saying Yes to God’s Calling
It feels a bit intimidating, right? But remember God’s grace. Being an ambassador of Christ is a core part of your identity. It’s who you are.
Of course, maybe you’ve had moments in the past where you’ve failed to be a good ambassador. Maybe you let temptation win or treated someone with contempt rather than kindness. There’s no excuse, but there is grace. Even if you haven’t always been the model ambassador, you can start fresh today.
Ambassadors Make Peace
Both ancient and modern ambassadors work to bring peace. When there’s conflict, a good ambassador will fight for reconciliation and seek peaceful solutions. The same is true for ambassadors of Christ.
We live in a world full of brokenness and conflict that needs our help. God’s mission is to remake the world into a place of wholeness, compassion, and life. As His ambassadors, we’re all tasked with doing our part to make this vision a reality.
In the World, Not of the World
Ancient ambassadors, the people Paul wrote about in 2 Corinthians, didn’t stay in one place. They were constantly on a journey between their homeland and the places they were sent. Too much time in a foreign land, and they could lose touch with what their king wanted. Too much time in their own land, and they could lose their effectiveness.
It is the same with us—we’re called to go out into the world, but we must be sure to spend plenty of time in Jesus’ not-of-this-world kingdom as well.
If His kingdom is not of this world, that brings up the question: How do we spend time in it? Jesus’ kingdom isn’t of the world because it doesn’t work like the kingdoms of the world. It’s not based on territory defended by armies. Instead, it’s people immersed in God’s love and purpose, working together to make Earth like Heaven until God’s kingdom comes to Earth in full.
Together, these co-ambassadors are called the Church.
If we want to be effective in God’s mission of peace and restoration, we need to spend time in the world and with our fellow followers of Jesus. Too much time in the world, and it becomes easy to compromise or quit our calling. Too much time surrounded by followers of Jesus, and we get comfortable and out of touch.
We’re wise to build friendships with all kinds of people, especially the people we see regularly, like our neighbors and coworkers. And we’re equally wise to make sure we consistently attend church and seek spiritual practices that strengthen our faith.
Telling the Whole Truth
Ambassadors work toward peace, but that doesn’t mean they’re pushovers. So we don’t get to delete the hard parts of a message.
Our world is full of pain, despair, and injustice. And sometimes, we’re called to speak uncomfortable truths with kindness and live in a way that confronts the broken parts of our world.
Jesus, the Prince of Peace, often spoke truth to people who supported injustice. He often behaved in a way that caused conflict, like charging into the temple with a whip in His hand. So how do these actions bring peace?
Sometimes, people need an uncomfortable reminder of their calling. Sometimes, people need an inspiring example of how to live better. We can’t provide either of those options without letting love inform our actions.
Ambassadors of Christ work for peace, but that doesn’t make us conflict-avoidant. Instead, we allow love to lead our actions and engage in conflict only when needed to reflect God’s love.
Go and Make Disciples
God’s still working to make Earth like Heaven. As we follow and learn from God’s ultimate ambassador, Jesus Christ, let’s commit ourselves to finishing the mission He gave us to make disciples.
This isn’t the responsibility of just one person; every believer is called to participate actively in evangelism and reconciliation.
So let’s go into the world with God’s strength and embrace God’s calling to make disciples everywhere we go.
“Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 29:19-20 ESV