17 Devotionals That Are Basically Free Online Marriage Counseling

Trisha Keehn • 2 minutes

When you love well, you bring health and healing to every relationship. Though we believe this to be true, marriages don’t always go as planned. Relationships are hard work. Every marriage, no matter how good, eventually bumps into difficult situations—circumstances change, finances get stretched, people get sick, or our days get busy. You find yourself desperately googling “free online marriage counseling” just to find some advice.

Your struggle might be understanding your spouse’s needs, learning to listen, or communicating openly. Couples who can’t communicate well can find themselves struggling.

Shelley can relate …

“When you’re dreaming about how your special day will be, you never think about the trials that will come after that day. You definitely aren’t thinking about loving your spouse when sex won’t cooperate.”

You might be facing a difficult season in your marriage right now, but you can have a new marriage. The YouVersion Bible App offers some encouraging support, biblical insight, and practical solutions to help you build a stronger, healthier marriage. See? They’re basically that free online marriage counseling you’ve been searching for!

Try some of the Bible Plans below!

Discovering Your Purpose in Marriage

Practical Ways to Grow Your Marriage

Tips to Sync Your Marriage Spiritually and Financially

How to Recover From Infidelity and Divorce

God is with you. He is for you. He cares about your marriage. Enjoy the help and wisdom these free Bible Plan devotionals are offering. Free online marriage counseling? Sounds pretty great right about now!