What Is Jesus Doing Now?

Dea Susud • 3 minutes

What is Jesus doing now? Have you ever asked yourself that? Do you envision Him just sitting up in heaven watching us scurry around the same way we might watch ant hills? Or maybe you see Him relaxing, leisurely walking down the streets of gold, playing football, or enjoying that big, big table with lots and lots of food. 

In all seriousness, Jesus is so much more than a casual observer. Jesus cares for us. He is in the perfect position for the perfect reason. What Jesus is doing is interceding for us! 

We know that we sin, sin separates us from God, and only the shedding of blood covers that sin. In Old Testament times, people would take their sacrifice (a pigeon, dove, or goat) to the high priest. That high priest would then offer it to God on behalf of the people to cover their sins. He was the middle man—the one who could bring people back into relationship with God. But the sacrifice they made was temporary and had to be done every year. 

But then Jesus came to earth and was made like us. He understood our pain, our fears, the heartache of loss, the struggle to resist sin, and everything else we experience. He was able to empathize with our weaknesses, but He did not sin. His sinless life made Him the perfect sacrifice for our sins. And through His death and resurrection, He paved the way for us to choose to have a relationship with God, forever!  And that’s not all. 

Jesus has full authority and all power and is actively interceding for you and me right here, right now, and forever. 

When Jesus died and entered heaven, He was seated at the right hand of God. The right hand of God is a place of honor, authority, blessing, and power.  And in that seat of honor and with all of His power and authority, Jesus is interceding for us

He is our Great High Priest, the middle man between us and the Father. That means Jesus meets us in conversations, prays for us, and intervenes on our behalf. Isn’t that exciting and humbling?! He has full authority and all power and is actively interceding for you and me right here, right now, and forever. 

 So what else is Jesus doing?

Here are a few other specific ways Jesus is looking out for us right now:    

1. He’s giving us a full, abundant life (John 10:10).

2. He’s strengthening and protecting us (2 Thessalonians 3:3).

3. He’s defending us (Psalm 3:3).

4. He’s giving us everything we need (Philippians 4:19).

5. He’s comforting us, encouraging us, and giving us hope (Romans 15:4).

6. He’s changing our hearts (Ezekiel 26:36).

7. He’s giving us mercy and grace in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).

8. He’s being with us—He never leaves or forsakes us (Deuteronomy 31:6).

Jesus sees you. He notices you. He is paying attention to you because He loves you so much. Jesus makes it possible to approach God at any time, for any reason, anywhere. We are never alone in our requests, needs, struggles, or journeys, because of what Jesus is doing for us!