This Free Online Chat Room Is Actually Making Life Better

Alyssa LaCourse • 2 minutes

We’ve all heard the saying “Don’t talk to strangers,” but more and more people are logging in to free online chat rooms to do just that, especially now that so many of us are stuck at home for an extended period of time. There’s this certain anonymity that comes with a chat room. You can log in, create a nickname, and be whoever you want to be. Often, many negatives can come along with anonymity, but the free online chat at Life.Church Online allows anonymity without worrying about negatives.

Life.Church Online is a place where people log in not only to attend a church service, but also to create real relationships.

Life.Church Online is what we call “community around content.” This community is made up of over 300,000 people from almost every country in the world. Life.Church Online is a place where people log in not only to attend a church service, but also to create real relationships. And when I say “real relationships,” I truly mean it.

Take Mary and Sharon for example. Mary lives in North Carolina and Sharon lives in Oklahoma. One day, they both logged in to Life.Church Online and met in the free online chat. Since that day, they’ve become best friends and even travel across the country every summer to see each other. They’ve even started serving together at Life.Church Online and created a small group outside of their service to help others find real friendships, like theirs.

For me, I attend the same service every single week and get to talk to many of the same people each week. We can cut past the small talk pretty quickly and get right to the heart of the matter because we’ve created real relationships. Every week, I look forward to catching up on people’s lives and hearing how God has moved in the past week.

Try This Free Live Chat

When you first log in to Life.Church Online, we ask you to create a nickname to join the chat. Some people use their real names while others choose to use a pseudonym to stay anonymous. Even while using your real name, people don’t truly know who you are. You see, there are no barriers or prejudgments created when someone logs in to this free live chat. People feel comfortable enough to open up and ask for help from complete strangers because they know no one will judge them there.

If you’re searching for a place to be connected with others who won’t judge you, try out Life.Church Online. We have a saying at our church, you can belong before you believe, and at Life.Church Online this saying is lived out every single day in our chat.