The Best List of Father-Son Quotes and Father-Daughter Quotes

Jason Inman • 4 minutes

Maybe you’re looking for some father-son quotes or father-daughter quotes so you can write something fitting in a card for Father’s day. Maybe you feel like you need just the perfect words.

Maybe you think your dad is worth celebrating any random day of the year. Dads can be pretty funny, after all. Perhaps you’re a first-time, expecting mom looking for just the right phrases to encourage the dad-to-be in your life.

Whoever you are, you came to find some of the best father-son quotes and father-daughter quotes. They’re coming, they are. But first, how about a list of words to describe the best of what we love about the dads and father figures in our lives. These might help you write your own quote for that special guy.

Some of the Best Dad Words

  • Beard
  • Strong
  • Bear
  • Hug
  • Wise
  • Hairy
  • Honest
  • Relentless
  • There
  • Kind
  • Listener
  • Safe
  • Loving
  • Defender
  • Knowing
  • Fix-it

What words would you add? What words come to mind when you think of your father? What about words to describe the men who play the role of dad or mentor in your life? What words do you use to describe a heavenly Father, God? The words we use to describe our own dads will often write our working description of God. Getting to know God as good and loving will require a lot of intentionality if your dad was unpredictable and unkind. But that’s for another post. Let’s start with a look at some of the best father-daughter and father-son quotes.

Some of the Best Father-Daughter Quotes or Father-Son Quotes

“Some people don’t believe in heroes, but those are just people who haven’t met you yet.”

“I searched the internet to find the best way to describe dads, and even the internet wasn’t cutting it. So here’s this: I love you because I can, because you showed me how.”

“I don’t know if you did all the typical dad things, but you were you, and what I’ve realized is that I didn’t need some generic dad—I needed you.”

“One of God’s great wonders was making fathers like you tall enough to look up to, forever.”

“Hugs no matter what + no-nonsense wisdom + relentless patience + scruff = Dad”

“Remember when you fixed everything for me? Remember when you made me fix everything myself? I needed both, and somehow you knew when.”

… your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him! Matthew 6:8 NLT

“One of God’s great wonders was making fathers like you tall enough to look up to, forever.”

“When I wasn’t tall enough, you had shoulders. When I wasn’t strong enough, you had arms. When I wasn’t wise enough, you had words. Now that I’m on my own, I’ve realized what really made me taller, stronger, and wiser, wasn’t your broad shoulders, strong arms, or wise words—it was your good heart.”

“Good fathers may not always know how to fix it, but they always know the God who can.”

“Good fathers may not always know how to fix it, but they always know the God who can.”

“One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.” —George Herbert

“Dad, remember that fish you couldn’t catch, that thing you couldn’t fix, that knot you couldn’t tie, that person you couldn’t help, that bully you wouldn’t stare down? Me neither.”

“But the love of adventure was in Father’s blood.” —Buffalo Bill

“Dad, one of the best things about you is that it’s not easy to see the best things about you. You showed me how to lead humbly, shout quietly, love kindly, and do what’s right when no one sees.”

And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers … Malachi 4:6 ESV

Bonus Father-Daughter Quote

“Dad, thanks for being the living, breathing Wikipedia page for what I should look for in a man.”

Bonus Father-Son Quote (Okay, two Bonus Father-Son Quotes)

“By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong.” —Charles Wadsworth

“Dads and sons are like garages. They’re endlessly full of ways to fix things, break things, and go bigger, farther, and faster on great adventures. Also, they love cars and sometimes smell bad.”

Come on, what dad wouldn’t love to hear one of these quotes from their son or daughter? God’s a good Father who’s in the business of putting us in families (Psalm 68:8), and He’s all about restoration (Deuteronomy 30:3), so especially if your relationship needs mending, think about reaching out to the father in your life with some kind words soon.

No one has a perfect dad, but we all have someone in our life who’s worthy of some honor whether or not it’s Father’s Day. Think about sending some words of honor to a man you look up to. Daughters, are you looking for a way to encourage your dad to continue to be the man God created him to be? Sons, are you looking for a great way to bond with your dad? Check out Wild Life: Start Really Living. It’s a series of free videos and materials you can use together to strengthen your relationship with yourself, God, and each other.