How to Take up Your Cross and Follow Jesus Every Day

Jonah Calhoun • 4 minutes

Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Me. This is one of the most difficult things Jesus said in the Bible. For context, in Jesus’ day, the cross was not just a burden or an inconvenience; it was a symbol of death, a tool of execution used by the Romans.

Jesus wants us to do … what? Die painfully on a cross? What makes these words from Matthew 16 even stranger is that, earlier in the chapter, Peter and the other disciples realize who Jesus is—the Christ and the Son of God. So the first thing, the most foundational thing, Jesus tells His disciples after they have this realization is this:

“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.Matthew 16:24-25 ESV

Let that sink in for a minute. Whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. This seems really harsh. You mean we have to be willing to die—even to be tortured to death—to follow Jesus? This probably doesn’t sound like your idea of love!

What Did Jesus Mean by ‘Take up Your Cross?’

Deny yourself. Take up your cross. Follow Me. These three phrases are saying the same thing. Jesus is calling us to live like Him—an others-focused, God-honoring life. We do this by fully devoting ourselves to God, listening to what He says, and loving others.

To be clear, Jesus isn't asking us to literally carry around a cross with us. Instead, taking up your cross is a daily mindset that leads to an others-focused lifestyle. 

Jesus’ statement was designed to make people think twice about their motivations and level of commitment. Because no one takes up a cross lightly.

Hold Nothing Back

Out of all the verses in the Bible, these verses in Matthew are the ones that make me feel the most uncomfortable. When I look at my life, I see all kinds of ways I compromise on taking up my cross and following Jesus. Have you ever felt the same way?

I often choose social comfort over following God. I sometimes avoid telling someone the truth so I don’t have to feel awkward. What kinds of compromises have you made in your walk with Jesus?

Compromises can come easily when we want to seem cool instead of being the “weird Christian friend.” Or when we prioritize work over our time with God. Or when we put family activities above being at church. Whatever compromises you’ve made, take some time to consider how you can start putting God first by aligning your life with His Word.

You Are a New Creation

Jesus offers us new life, but for new life to begin, our old life has to end. This is why He tells us to take up our cross and stop living in our old ways. This is a daily battle of destroying pride, indulgence, and selfish anger to become humble, kind, and forgiving followers of Jesus.

If we're unwilling to die to who we are now, we won’t be able to become who God created us to be. This means our spiritual growth will be stunted unless we are willing to put God first in everything.

God wants to completely transform us, but He won’t do so against our will. We must choose to take daily steps to become who God made us to be. God is with us in the process, guiding our journey and offering us grace and strength along the way.

How Do You Take up Your Cross Today?

We take up our cross whenever we make others-focused decisions. This could look like serving someone in need, offering kind words to someone in crisis, or being generous with the time you give to God.  

Taking up your cross isn't comfortable, and it isn't safe. Following Jesus means being willing to suffer loss, like close friendships, family relationships, your reputation, your job, or even your life.

This isn't a one-time decision but a daily choice. Every day, we are called to take up our cross, giving up our hopes, dreams, possessions, and comfort. We do this because we trust that whatever God has planned is greater than anything we could imagine on our own.

Take up Your Cross

Take some time to reflect. In what ways do you need to focus on being willing to take up your cross? What is one way you can make Jesus the king of your life? 

Being willing to take up your cross—being fully devoted—isn’t something you can do on your own. The good news is you don’t have to. Turn to God and give your life to Him. This won’t be easy, and there is no one-time fix. Stay disciplined and consistent, be diligent, and know that God will be with you every step of the way.