17 Self-Esteem Activities: Build Confidence, Identity, and Freedom

17 Self-Esteem Activities: Build Confidence, Identity, and Freedom

by finds.life

Have you tried self-esteem activities and exercises that just feel empty? How’s your confidence in fitting rooms? How about board rooms? What’s your plan for the next five years? What do you say when you talk to yourself? How are you building your confidence? How do you feel when you see your selfie?

If you’re breathing a little harder, writing off these questions, or looking for the nearest exit, then you’re like the rest of us. You’ve been hurt, you have scars, and you’re not completely confident in who you are. Nearly four out of every 10 men say they’d exchange a year of their life for a different body (more than women). One study says 91 percent of women say they’re unhappy with their bodies. By the time we’re 10, 80 percent of us are afraid of being overweight. But it’s not just body image. We wonder if we belong in our career, we question whether we should be parents, and no amount of likes ever feels quite like love.

We’re collectively asking, “Am I enough? Do I have what it takes? Am I beautiful?” We ask a paycheck, an app, sex, a spouse, a job, or our kids to tell us something they don’t know. All the while, God is kindly repeating His answers. He is saying: I love you deeply (Romans 5:8), I value you highly (1 John 3:1-2), I provide for you fully (Philippians 4:19), and I planned for you carefully (Ephesians 1:3-5).

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 NLT

So. Now you know the truth. But it’s one thing to know the truth and another to do something about it, right? Here are some of our favorite tools for doing something about the way we see ourselves.

17 Self-Esteem Activities:

Overcoming Body Image

Building Confidence

Changing Self-Talk

Discovering Direction

Healing Past Hurts

Defeating Addiction

We hope these self-esteem activities help you discover purpose, find hope, and build confidence. Don’t let low self-esteem control your life. If you need some advice on how to build these activities into habits, click the link below.

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