How to Save a Marriage With Help From the Bible

Jordan Wiseman • 3 minutes

You might recognize Tina Campbell as a renowned recording artist and half of the Gospel duo Mary Mary. Her husband, Teddy, also has a background as a musician and drummer on shows such as The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and American Idol. What you may not know about Tina and Teddy is that the Bible saved their marriage.

After going through a rough season, they both decided to seek God in His Word by using the YouVersion Bible App.

This quote from Teddy sums it up well: “In my search for trying to be a better man—a better husband—everything pointed to Jesus … and so I started reading the Bible.”

Maybe you find yourself in the same boat as Tina and Teddy. Your marriage might be falling apart, and you’re not sure where to turn. If you want to hear God speak to you, one of the most common ways He’ll do that is through His Word, the Bible.

Here are three ways the Bible can help save your marriage.

  1. It’s alive and powerful. Hebrews 4:12 NLT says, “For the Word of God is alive and powerful.” Reading the Bible isn’t the same as reading any other book. When you read the Bible, the Holy Spirit gets involved! It’s been said before that the Bible is like a river—it’s constantly flowing, bringing fresh, living water. When you run to God’s Word to heal your broken marriage, He’s there with you.
  2. It gives us perspective. The Bible is the best marriage book you could ever read. Psalm 19:8 NLT says, “The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living.” In marriage, you and your spouse both have your own perspectives. But, they’re just that—your perspectives. It doesn’t mean they’re the right perspective. The good news is that God’s Word does have the right perspective.

Your spouse was never meant to be your source of fulfillment. Jesus is meant to be your source of fulfillment.

  1. It puts everything in the right order. Sometimes the reason our marriages aren’t working is because we’re making our spouse too important. You might think that sounds crazy, but hang with me. Your spouse was never meant to be your source of fulfillment. Jesus is meant to be your source of fulfillment. Jesus should be your number one, and your spouse should be your number two. Reading God’s Word during the first part of your day connects your heart to His. James 4:8 says that if we draw near to God, He will draw near to us.

If you find yourself in a tough marriage situation, open God’s Word and draw close to Him. He’ll speak to you. But here’s the kicker: you can’t just read the Bible; you also need to apply it to your life. In other words, do what it says. In fact, James 1:22 NLT says this: But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you’re only fooling yourself. After all, the best way to keep from getting dehydrated is to drink enough water, right? If you’re in a great season in marriage, you still need to daily meditate on God’s Word.