Do you often wish you had more help or guidance in your job? Work stress, challenging coworker relationships, heavy demands, and long hours can all take their toll on us in our daily work. There are so many reasons our jobs can be really difficult. So … what if we prayed before starting work?
Even before that, what about praying on the way to work? Have you ever tried prayer before a meeting, or prayed for protection in the workplace? What kinds of prayers would be helpful before starting a new role at work?
God is listening. He’s got all the resources to help you, and He cares about you as you go to work. Let’s give some of these ideas for workplace prayers a try together!
What makes a good prayer for the workday?
First of all, let’s remember that prayer is simply talking to God. It’s not a formula, a magic incantation, or a poem we need to get just right with special language.
God created us, He knows us better than we know ourselves, and He cares more deeply about us as His children than we care about ourselves or our own families. So we don’t have to use specific flowery wording to get His attention—and there’s no such thing as being an expert in this area. We just need to be sincere, genuine, and humble as we invite God into our day and share with Him what we’re feeling and what we need.
So as you look at these sample prayers, know that you can adapt them in any way it makes sense for you and your situation. Use your own words and open your heart to the God who cares about you.
7 Prayers for Work and Meetings
Because God cares about you, as you begin this time of prayer, you can rest securely in your heavenly Father. He’s eager to bring peace, fill you with joy, and build your faith.
1. Prayer for a Good Day at Work
As you’re on your way to the office or wherever you work, it’s worth taking a few moments to dedicate your workday to God. Whether you’re walking, driving, or riding, you can keep your eyes open as you express your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ with something like this:
God, thank You that You’re here with me on my way to work, and that You’ll be with me all day long. I give You this workday. I need Your help for it. Please fill me with Your Spirit so I’ll have the wisdom and self-control that I need to be successful today. Help me to honor You and love others today. Help me to do good work. Grant me favor, and lead me to helpful solutions for whatever problems come up. Make me a person of peace and understanding for those I come in contact with. Remind me all day that we’re together through this—thank You for giving me Your strength as I rely on You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
2. Prayer While You’re at Work
Reaching out to God in prayer is something we can do 24 hours a day, seven days a week. He’s always working! God wants us to know His presence all day long. Sometimes we need to take a brief break at work to remind ourselves He’s with us and ask for intervention in our mood or circumstances. Maybe something like this:
Lord, You see my mood and needs right now at work. I could use a reset of my mind and heart so I’m centered on You again. Please keep me calm, send help, and show me the way forward. Remind me that You’re for me and that You see everything that’s happening around me right now. Give me discernment, good strategy, hope, and energy to keep going. Provide the right solutions. I trust You afresh right now. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
3. Prayer Before a Meeting at Work
As you prepare for a meeting or go into one, wouldn’t it be great to have God’s help? Try a prayer something like this one:
Jesus, I dedicate this meeting to You. Help me as I prepare to be my best—make me a blessing. I invite You into this entire meeting, because I know I need Your help for it to go well. Please guide the conversation, the presentation, the decisions, and the relationship growth that comes out of this. Help me to speak with wisdom. I can’t do anything good without You, so thank You for working through me. In Your holy and powerful name, Jesus, amen.
4. Prayer for Starting a New Job
It can be intimidating and challenging to start work somewhere new, where you aren’t yet familiar with the people, the responsibilities, and the tools. It’s another great opportunity to be specific as you ask for God’s help:
Heavenly Father, thank You for providing this new job for me. I really need Your help as I get started. Please help me through this first day and first week! Give me strength, stamina, peace, and competence. Bring me up to speed quickly. Guide me to ask good questions and to rely deeply on Your love for me while I don’t know anyone else yet. Lead me to new friends and allies in this different environment. Bless the first impressions I make on my new boss, my new coworkers, and anyone I’ll be responsible for. I put it all in Your hands, Father, and I trust You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
5. Prayer for Work Stress
Some days at work it’s just really piled on. There’s too much to do, people are upset, and there are problems everywhere. Feeling stressed at work? It’s time to stop and ask God to intervene:
Holy Spirit, help! I feel stressed and overwhelmed at work today. I need You! Please come and soothe my spirit, mind, and heart. Send me good ideas, helpful people, and favorable decisions to ease the stress of this day. Help me remember that it will not be the end of the world. You are with me no matter what, and You will see me through. Multiply my time and efforts. Help me to make a positive difference here at work today. Give me patience, joy, and hope, and increase my problem-solving skills as I trust You. You are the real King over me here. Help me to love and respect everyone around me in ways that honor You. I’m looking to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
6. Prayer for Coworkers
Wherever there are people, there are problems. So of course your coworkers could use prayer. Whether it’s personal problems they’re facing on their own, or problems in your relationship with them as you work together, it’s a good idea to bring them before God in prayer. Here are some ideas as a starting point:
Heavenly, You know each of the people I work with and what they need. I ask that You would bless my coworkers with peace, strength, and confidence in Your power. Draw them closer to Your heart. If they don’t know You yet, please show me how to share Your good news with them at the right time and place, with love and respect. If they’re hurting, please comfort them and heal them. For those who are harder to get along with, please give me patience and a generous spirit toward them. Show me how to turn things around through Your Spirit. Help me to show love regardless, while keeping healthy boundaries. Help us get the job done together even if we disagree on some things. Lead us forward. In Jesus’ name, amen.
7. Prayer for Protection in the Workplace
The world can be a scary place sometimes. What a relief that God is our protector and provider. Try a prayer like this when you’re worried about your safety or security at work, or just as a proactive way to maintain peace as you go to work:
Lord, You are all-powerful, and You’re with me whether I’m at home, at work, or out and about. I ask for Your loving protection and provision today as I work. Cover me and guide me, watch over me and my coworkers, and keep us safe. Be a shield around me to keep me from harm. Thank You for my job, and help me to be at peace as I do it to the best of my ability today. Please help me to rest in you. Give me fresh confidence in Your love and care for me. Help me be a model of faith in You for others today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
God is always with you.
God cares deeply about you and loves you today. He’s with you all day long at work, and wants to deepen His relationship with you as you come to Him with “all kinds of prayers and requests” anytime (Ephesians 6:18 NIV). You can adapt any of the prayers above to make them your own, and come up with other prayers for different situations as they arise. God is always ready and eager for you to come to Him, whether with worries or gratitude and praise! Jesus Himself taught us we “should always pray and not give up” (Luke 18:1 NIV).
Are you feeling burned out at work, or do you find yourself struggling with work-life balance? Or do you just want more prayer guidance and inspiration? Try these prayers for wisdom and direction, strength and hope, fear and worry, or anxiety and depression.
For fresh passion to find and fulfill your everyday calling at work and elsewhere, check out the message series below.