Ever find yourself doing something you promised you’d never do again? Whether it’s snapping in frustration, falling into old habits, or giving in to a fleeting desire, we’ve all been there. Temptation is a part of life—but it doesn’t have to control us.
What is Temptation?
Temptation is a desire to do something that leads us away from God’s purpose for our lives. Instead, it directs us toward destructive thoughts or actions, which the Bible calls sin.
Temptation itself isn’t a sin—but it can lead us to sin when we let it take root in our hearts and actions. You might feel tempted toward sins like lust, laziness, overindulgence in leisure and entertainment, addiction to substances, peer pressure, envy, and many others.
Satan tricks us with false promises made by these temptations, such as promises of happiness, control, freedom, instant gratification, and secrecy.
When you fall into temptation, you sacrifice what you want more for what you want now. But sin lets you down and never satisfies you. It might feel good in the moment, but our feelings can be unreliable.
5 Practical Steps to Fighting Temptation
So how do we stand strong when temptation comes knocking? Let’s break it down.
1. Spot Your Weak Points
Satan targets your weaknesses, so knowing where you are most vulnerable is step one.
Start by identifying your trigger points. Triggers are the things that send you into a downward spiral of being tempted and acting on that temptation. What are your triggers?
A trigger could be an app on your phone, a TV commercial, or even hanging out with the wrong people. Identify your triggers and cut them off at the root. Delete the app, take a break from watching TV, or don’t go out with that friend group.
Once you’ve recognized your weaknesses, pray for them. Ask God to help you avoid those triggers and weaknesses in the future.
2. Spend Time in Scripture
Reading the Bible will keep your heart fixed on what is good and true, rather than what is false. And the more you read, the more naturally the Bible becomes a part of your thought processes, influencing your decisions and reactions.
Consider setting aside a specific time each day to read and reflect on a passage. It doesn’t have to be long or complicated—even a few verses can have a powerful impact when you take the time to meditate on them. Write down what stands out to you, pray about how it applies to your life, and ask God to help you live it out.
As you consistently fill your mind with God’s promises, instructions, and reminders of your identity in Christ, you’ll find it easier to recognize and reject the lies of temptation. God’s Word can become your compass, leading you to lasting freedom.
3. Find an Accountability Partner
We aren’t meant to do life alone. An accountability partner is someone who walks alongside you in your spiritual journey, offering encouragement and helping you stay focused on your goals. They can provide support as you face temptations, creating a safe space for honest conversations about your struggles and wins.
God made us to be relational human beings. Don’t close yourself off from others—instead, build relationships, so you’ll reap the benefits of going through life with people to lean on. Read the Word together, pray together, worship together, go to church together, serve together. Accountability encourages growth, glorifies God, and fortifies our faith and integrity.
4. Run From Temptation
You’ve probably heard that it’s bad to run from your problems, but running away from temptation is an exception. Early in the Bible, we meet a man named Joseph. He’d experienced impossibly difficult hardships, including being sold by his brothers into slavery. Despite these problems, he resisted temptation by running away.
You can get all the details in Genesis 39. But what’s important for us is how Joseph responded. He didn’t pause, hesitate, or reason. He ran. We’re wise to follow his example.
When we’re tempted to sin, we run.
Go for a walk, get outside, hang out with a friend, or spend time with your family. You could even literally go on a run. Do what you have to to escape.
5. Pray First, Fight Second
Whenever you feel temptation coming, spend time in prayer. Whenever you’re tempted, pray. Whenever you don’t know what to do, pray. Whenever you fall into that temptation, pray. Prayer is the answer. We cannot face temptation alone. Pray and trust that God will deliver you.
Use the example prayers below when you need help resisting temptation.
5 Prayers You Can Pray Today to Resist Temptation
When temptation strikes, it can be overwhelming. But through prayer, we can seek God’s guidance, strength, and wisdom to stand firm against any challenge.
Here are five powerful prayers to help you resist temptation and find the courage to stay true to your path in Christ Jesus. Build these prayers into your prayer time this week as you seek God’s help in resisting temptation:
A Prayer Against Temptation
Dear Lord, You know my weaknesses. Please give me strength to resist the temptations that cross my path. I know I cannot do this alone, Lord—help me lean on You as I fight this battle. You promise that we will not be tempted beyond what we can handle and that there will always be out. Lord, make that way out clear. Help me to rely on Your faithfulness in my moments of weakness. In Jesus’ name, amen.
A Prayer Against Lust
Heavenly Father, please aid me in my battle against lust. I pray that You would help me keep my eyes on You in trying times. Help me focus on what’s good for me—not on gratifying my sinful desires. Lord, whenever I feel this desire, I pray You will help me talk to a friend or redirect my attention elsewhere. Allow me to keep Your Word in my heart, so I can focus on You. I love You, Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.
A Prayer to Resist Sin
Dear God, I know I live in a world that is sinful and that, by nature, we are sinful beings. I pray that You will be with me as I work on rooting out the sin in my life. I know I’m not a perfect being and may stumble, but I know You are an Almighty Father who has defeated sin. Please help me focus on Your goodness and Your Word, so I don’t even allow sinful thoughts or actions to enter my life. Thank You so much. In Jesus’ name, amen.
A Prayer for Integrity
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that You will help me maintain my integrity. Help me do what is right, honest, and consistent with Your Word. Help me to do these things even when I know no one is looking. Give me opportunities to be trustworthy and dependable. I know all things are possible through You and that You see all things. In Jesus’ name, amen.
A Prayer to Avoid Temptation
Dear Lord, I come to You seeking strength and protection over my heart. Please give me guidance in avoiding the situations that could lead me to fall into the trap of sin. Help me to seek Your presence even when I feel weak. Lord, You will lead me into victory over the desires of this world. You overcame all temptation, and through You, I know I can, too. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Walk in Freedom
Walking in the Holy Spirit means choosing to depend on Him, resist the flesh, and surrender daily. This requires moment-by-moment decisions. You might stumble, but it’s important not to stay down. Get back up, shake off the dust, and get back in the fight.
Temptations will come—but you’re not powerless. Every step you take with God is a step toward freedom. Lean on Him, stay grounded in His Word, and remember: you’re not fighting for victory—you’re fighting from victory. You’ve got this.