13 Healing Prayers for When You Need God’s Restoration

Finds Team • 14 minutes

Health problems are the worst, right? They’re like a bully that’s twice your size, messing with every area of your life, draining your energy, stealing your hope, and making you afraid of the future. If you’re reading this article, you know what it’s like to go through a health crisis of your own or of a loved one.

Jump to the prayers.

Maybe your health challenge has been a chronic issue for years, or maybe you’re facing a surprise diagnosis that blindsided you and your family. Either way, we can still find hope and peace in the middle of uncertainty. How? Well, health problems are like a big bully, but we know someone even bigger, and He’s on our side.

Below, you’ll find 13 example prayers for healing.

Will God Heal Me?

The Bible is full of miraculous healing stories. Whether it’s Naaman’s skin condition being cured through a muddy bath, Jesus helping people walk, or Elijah raising a boy from the dead, the Bible clearly shows us that God has healing power. 

Of course, God doesn’t just heal physical injuries or illnesses. He heals spiritual wounds as well. Jesus’ sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection provided a way for anyone to heal their relationship with God. This is why Christians often call Jesus the “Great Physician.”

These stories of physical and spiritual healing are certainly inspiring, and they do a great job of showcasing God’s healing strength. But when you’re facing a personal health crisis like a chronic injury, cancer diagnosis, or sick family member, the question isn’t, “Can God heal?” it’s, “Will God heal me or the person I love?”

In other words, is His divine healing power reserved for people who lived in Bible times, or is it for anyone, anywhere, at any time?

How Do I Pray for Healing?

God doesn’t change. He had the power to heal in the past, and He still has the power to heal today. So how do we access His healing power?

Is there a special healing prayer we need to pray? Or do we need to spend a certain number of hours reading our Bible each week? No, we can’t earn God’s healing or manipulate the Holy Spirit into healing us with the perfect magic prayer.

Instead, we pray for healing by simply asking God for help.

Now you’re probably thinking, Okay, great, but I’ve done that already. If a simple “God help me get better right now” healing prayer worked, I wouldn’t be reading this article now, would I?

Of course not, and we certainly don’t want to sound like we’re oversimplifying such a significant prayer. Instead, we want to point out the evidence from Scripture. When people prayed for healing, it rarely was a prayer filled with sophisticated spiritual words. They don’t all follow the same format, and some aren’t even spoken aloud.

Instead, most of the time, a healing prayer is a simple request to God.

Why Doesn’t God Heal Everyone Right Away?

You’ve probably prayed for your or your family members’ sickness before, but God hasn’t healed them yet. You may even be in the hospital right now, looking for hope despite a negative medical report. That can be devastating.

When we’re dealing with a bad diagnosis or a sick family member, it’s easy to feel like God is against us. Maybe you’re even asking questions like, “Is God punishing me?” Or, “Does God hate me?

After all, that’s logical, right? If God can heal but doesn’t heal me after countless prayers for healing, then there must be a reason. And there is, but it’s not God’s lack of power or care.

Instead, it’s the result of living in a broken world. A world full of hazards, viruses, disorders, disasters, selfish choices, and devastating accidents.

The story of the Bible acknowledges and accepts the worst life has to offer, but at the same time, insists that God is in the process of making all things new.

How Does God Heal People?

But what about you today? Why hasn’t God healed you yet? We can’t know for sure. Maybe it simply isn’t the moment God has chosen to bring healing. Often, Jesus healed people with lifelong problems in a moment. They’d probably said healing prayers for years, but God had a specific moment in mind to heal them.

Or, God might want to use others to help you heal. Some of the oldest hospitals in the world were started by Christians. That’s because their founders recognized that faithful Christ followers could be the answer to countless people’s prayers for healing. So keep showing up to medical appointments, and don’t ignore the signs your God-given body is telling (or shouting at) you.

But What if He Doesn’t Heal?

Sometimes, people sought out Jesus for healing, but He didn’t come to heal them. Why? Well, He went on to endure trauma and death for the good of all people. So it can’t be because He didn’t care. Instead, there must be some other reason why God doesn’t heal everyone all at once.

The Book of Job is one long exploration of this tension. In it, Job essentially asks all of the big questions you’ve probably asked. Questions like, “Why does God allow suffering?” “Why does He let bad things happen to good people?” “Will God answer my prayers for healing?” and, “What did I do to deserve this?” The story ends with none of the questions being fully answered.

Instead, Job is asked a series of questions that boil down to one big question, “Do we trust that God is good, that He loves us, and that He is working all things together for our good?” Because if we do, we can follow Him no matter what we’re facing.

So, Is It Even Worth Praying for Healing?

Of course.

God can and does heal people every day, all over the world. Sometimes, it’s a miraculous healing. Other times, it’s through the diligent work of nurses, doctors, and other health professionals. Often, it’s a mix of both.

But God is good, regardless of how He responds to our prayers.

In the Book of Daniel, three friends defy a king when he demands they abandon their faith. When they’re threatened with a horrifying death, they respond with courage. They declare that God has the power to save them, but even if He doesn’t save them, they will never stop worshiping God.

So let’s pray these healing prayers with complete confidence, trusting that God is the ultimate healer. And no matter the result, we know that our prayers bring us closer to our loving God, who wants to comfort, strengthen, and encourage us while we wait.

Prayer Reminds Us That God Is Near

One of the most well-known stories in Jesus’ life is about the calming of a great storm. The story starts with His followers traveling by boat when a storm strikes. They’re unprepared to face it. Panicking, they realize they might die. The entire time this happens, Jesus sleeps peacefully.

Instead of looking at Jesus’ reaction to their situation, the disciples allowed their situation to dictate their reactions. After begging Jesus to do something, He calms the storm, but not before asking them, “Why are you afraid?”

His gentle rebuke wasn’t because the disciples didn’t believe Jesus could save them from the storm, but because they struggled to believe He would see them through it. They knew He was in their boat. They just didn’t understand what He could do.

  • He was their strength through the storm and over the storm.
  • He was their provider, protector, healer, and leader.

He was their source of peace and power.

No matter what your current storm looks like—Jesus is near.

And the same God who was with the disciples in the boat is with us. No matter what your current storm looks like—Jesus is near. There is not a situation you have gone through that He hasn’t endured beside you.

Knowing that Jesus is close doesn’t make your health challenges easy, but it’s much easier to keep fighting when you know you have someone on your side, especially when that Someone is so much bigger than the challenge you’re facing.

Keep Pursuing Jesus as You Wait for Healing

Jesus was and is, and is to come. He was there at the beginning of time and will be there at the end of it. He has seen every event in human history and will not forsake anyone who cries out for Him and trusts in Him.

Nothing is impossible for God, and His character never changes. He is for you and not against you—that’s why you don’t have to let fear overwhelm you.

Prayer creates closeness with God. And the closer we get to Him, the more evident the fruit of the Spirit becomes in our lives. So keep pursuing Him as you pray for healing. His healing hand can bring you peace in your pain, joy in hardship, and faithfulness to keep trusting Him.

God Will Make All Things New

Have you ever accidentally seen the end of a movie first? Knowing the ending shapes the way you understand the rest of the story.

Well, if you skip to the last few chapters of the Bible, you’ll skip over a lot of really good stuff—but you’ll also see how God will one day make all things right again. That promise for the future can shape the way we live today.

He will restore things that are lost, repair things that are broken, bring true peace, heal fragmented things, and make everything new.

The Bible tells us He will wipe away every tear and heal every broken heart and body.

The promises of God give us hope to endure difficult seasons. We know that even though things might be painful now, they won’t be that way forever. One day, God will bring physical healing to the broken world, and we will live in the fullness of the complete emotional and spiritual healing Christ Jesus brings to all His people.

Hope While We’re Waiting

As the psalmist says, weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning. That “morning” might not be tomorrow morning or even a morning next week. But one day, God's healing hand will heal all things, leading to  a bright new morning in which everything will be just as He wants.

Until that time, we are tasked with living faithful lives to God while holding tight to the promises and hope that He gives us. Scripture is filled with other promises that God gives us to hold onto in various seasons of our lives.

So as we prepare to explore these prayers for healing, take a moment to think of a few of God’s promises that are true for you today. Meditate on them. Let them fill you with hope as you follow after God.

13 Prayers for Healing

God can bring healing, so pray to Him with confidence. Trust that He’s with you through His Holy Spirit, strengthening and comforting you. To be clear, none of these prayers for healing are magical prayers that guarantee instant divine healing. Instead, they’re designed to help you kick-start your next prayer time.

So read through these prayers for healing, and as you do, reflect on His power to restore health, fill us with peace, and provide us with eternal life.

1. Short Prayer for Healing

Dear God, nothing is beyond Your power. Nothing. So today, I ask You to restore my health in the name of Jesus Christ. Please encourage me despite situations that seem so bleak and broken. Help me to share Your hope with others. In Jesus’ name, amen.

2. Prayer to Feel Better

Heavenly Father, You know exactly what I’m going through right now. You’re not surprised or intimidated by it. Thank You for always being near to me. You never fail me. Today, please remind me how close You are. As I reach out to You, please come and rescue me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

3. Prayer for Getting Well Soon

Father, God, even when my health circumstances are challenging—I know You are good. When everything seems to be going wrong, I trust that You are working everything together for good. I have faith in Your plans and trust You can return me to full health. Thank You for being the one I can count on. In Jesus’ name, amen.

4. Prayer for a Sick Friend or Family Member

Dear Lord, You have the power to bring healing to anyone. So please help my sick friend or family member. Remind them of Your presence through Your Holy Spirit. You are a gracious God, and so I ask that You provide my loved one with complete health. In Jesus’ name, amen.

5. Prayer for Complete Healing

Lord Jesus, thank You for promising to walk with me through sickness and pain. My spirit and body feel broken, but I know I can trust You. Thank You for being a God who can sympathize with me. Fill me now with Your healing strength and provide me with complete healing. In Jesus’ name, amen.

6. Prayer for Health Worries

Dear God, Please take my burdens and remove my health worries. Replace all my insecurities and anxieties with Your peace. Make my soul responsive to Your voice, and teach me to trust in Your faithfulness. Restore my joy and provide me with emotional health. Please give me strength for today and hope for tomorrow. In Jesus’ name, amen.

7. Prayer for Good News From the Doctor

Heavenly Father, I’m anxious about the future. Please help me to have hope in You. Don’t let me get stuck imagining worst-case scenarios. Instead, fill me with confidence, knowing that You walk closely beside me no matter what happens. In Jesus’ name, amen.

8. Prayer for Emotional Healing

Lord Jesus, my heart is heavy. I release my burdens to You. I lay them down and surrender them to You. Thank You for caring about my emotional well-being and for holding me in my weakness and weariness. Show me how to rest and refuel in Your presence. In Jesus’ name, amen.

9. Prayer for Pain Relief

Dear Lord, I need Your healing touch today. I’m facing constant pain, and I’m struggling. So please show me Your healing grace today, whether through divine intervention or the work of medical professionals. Thank You for standing beside me in the fight. I trust You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

10. Prayer for Miraculous Healing

Heavenly Father, I need a miraculous healing today. The news from the doctors isn’t good, but I know Your healing power is great enough to overcome any health problem. I trust You are with me right now, even as I face my biggest trial. I ask You to miraculously heal me today so I can live more years in good health. I trust my life to Your healing hands, as always. In Jesus’ name, amen.

11. Prayer for Chronic Illness

Lord Jesus, I’ve been fighting this health battle for a long time. And, to be honest, it’s hard to keep going. I continue to trust that renewed health is possible through You. So please fill me with courage and resilience as I face these obstacles. And help me continue to feel Your Holy Spirit’s closeness in my health journey. In Jesus’ name, amen.

12. Prayer for Healing from Cancer

Heavenly Father, cancer is awful. I know it, and You know it, too. I want to keep fighting, but I feel physically, mentally, and spiritually drained. So I ask for divine strength and healing today, both for my body and my mind. Please annihilate the cancer in me and restore me to good health. And please help me to have unwavering faith in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

13. Prayer for Healing From Disease

Lord Jesus, I want to get well. Would You help me? I’ve been battling this disease, and I want it to stop. Please bring me relief and comfort. Thank You for Your constant presence through the Holy Spirit. I trust You and believe You can restore health and bring renewal. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Keep Praying

Continue reflecting on these prayers for healing in the coming weeks and infuse them into your prayer life. Allow them to be a reminder that God is near and God's love is with you in your health challenges. And if you know someone who needs healing, share one of these prayers with them today.

No matter what you’re facing today, God promises infinite joy for anyone who knows and follows Him. So don’t give up. Keep praying and keep fighting, knowing that a better future is coming.

More Example Prayers

For more helpful and hopeful prayers, check out one of these articles:

Can We Pray With You?

If you’d like someone to pray for your current health concerns or for a sick friend or family member, then simply fill out this free online prayer request form. When you do, our prayer team will join you in your prayers for healing and reach out with additional encouragement.