3 Simple Prayers for When You Feel Overwhelmed

Finds Team • 6 minutes

Does it ever feel like the world is against you? Like you can’t possibly face all of the obstacles in your path? You’re not alone. Fortunately, God is always with us, even when life feels overwhelming.

Incorporating a daily prayer routine can help you find peace and clarity amidst life's challenges. You can turn to God in prayer no matter what you’re facing. If you feel like you’re running on empty, ask God for help. Below, you’ll find three example prayers that can help anyone find a little more peace of mind, clarity, and confidence.

What Does the Bible Say About Feeling Overwhelmed?

Life gets busy, responsibilities pile up, and unexpected things happen, so it’s no wonder we get overwhelmed sometimes. Overwhelm is more than just stress; it happens when we’re too stressed for too long. Overwhelm impairs our judgment, restricts our focus, and can cause us to shut down completely.

Plenty of people in the Bible felt overwhelmed by their circumstances, and many learned to lean on God through prayer. Here’s an example found in Psalm 61:

Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings. Psalm 61:1-4 NIV

The writer of this psalm felt overwhelmed, so they prayed to God for help, safety, and rest. Do you want some of the same things, like help when you’re struggling, safety in an uncertain future, or rest from endless tasks? Then seek God through prayer. Ask Him for what you need.

Jesus tells us plainly in the Gospel of Matthew that He can help us when we feel overwhelmed.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 NIV

These verses remind us that Jesus doesn’t want us to feel overwhelmed. Not only that, He’s also eager to help us find rest. Whether you experience fear of the unexpected, anxiety about a family member, or some other worry—Jesus is present and able to help.

Relying on God’s grace can provide relief from stress and anxiety, offering comfort and strength during overwhelming times.

So let’s pray, asking God to provide us with peace of mind, clarity, and confidence. And we can pray with faith, knowing God hears our prayers.

3 Prayers for Overwhelmed People

If you know something needs to change but don’t know where to start, try these example prayers. Life can be stressful, but we don’t need to constantly feel overwhelmed. We hope these prayers help you find peace as you seek Jesus every day.

1. A Prayer for Peace of Mind

Dear God, I know I’m not alone. You are with me every moment of every day. Thank You for being my friend. I ask for encouragement and clarity as I face challenges. On my own, I can’t keep up, but with Your power, I can find peace. Help me find peace of mind in every situation, knowing that You are always in control. In Jesus’ name, amen.

2. A Prayer for Relief

Dear God, I need help. I feel worried, anxious, and stressed out. Please remind me of Your care for me and restore my joy. I ask that You also bring relief. Please resolve the concerns that keep me up at night. Even when life is overwhelming, I choose to trust You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

3. A Prayer for When You Feel Overwhelmed

Dear God, I don’t even know how to start praying. Life feels like too much, and I’m not sure how to get better. Even though I feel lost, I know You’re with me. Please provide me with a light in the darkness, and a clear path forward. Help me to cast my cares on You. I also ask for reminders of Your grace and goodness to increase my trust. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Putting Prayer Into Practice

So, how can we put prayer into practice when we feel overwhelmed? Here are a few tips:

  • Start your day with morning prayer, asking God to guide and direct you.

  • Use Bible verses to remind you of God’s promises and presence in your life.

  • Take a few minutes each day to pray and reflect on your thoughts and feelings.

  • Trust God to provide you with the strength and wisdom you need to overcome obstacles.

  • Remember that prayer is a conversation with God, so don’t be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings with Him!

Find Freedom From Overwhelm

If you’re drained, distracted, or losing sleep because you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a step toward peace. God wants to hear your prayer, so seek Him today. Then talk to a friend, family member, or pastor, and ask for support.

When You Feel Overwhelmed, Remeber God’s Care

Thankfulness is not just a feeling, but a posture of the heart. It’s a way we can acknowledge God’s goodness in every season. It’s really easy to be grateful when life is going well—when we have financial security, good health, and strong relationships. But what about when it’s the opposite? The true test of gratitude comes in times of difficulty.

Twelve years ago, I started experiencing severe anxiety. For years, it impacted every area of my life: relationships, school, work, social life, and self-worth. After a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder, I felt completely hopeless. Would I ever feel like myself again? Would I ever experience joy? Would I ever have peace? Why can’t I just be thankful?

After years of struggling, I came across a study that showed the impact on a person’s mind when focusing on gratitude. God intentionally created us with brains that release dopamine and serotonin when we focus on the things we’re thankful for—which boosts our mood. Thankfulness shifts our minds from fear, worry, and anxious thoughts to what’s positive, hopeful, and uplifting. Thankfulness is a choice!

So when anxiety crept in, I had a choice. Let it rule over me, or choose gratitude. It doesn’t come overnight, but there are ways we can practice gratitude daily:

  • Start with prayer. Begin each day by thanking God for at least three things.
  • Keep a gratitude journal. Write down moments of God’s goodness, big or small.
  • Give thanks through worship. Sing praise to God or listen to worship music as a way to express your gratitude to Him.

Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 that we are to give thanks in all circumstances. Notice that he doesn’t tell us to give thanks for all circumstances, but in them. This means that even in hardship, suffering, and uncertainty, we can choose gratitude because of who God is and what He has done. He saved us. He gave us a new name and a new future. His mercies are new each morning. We have breath in our lungs. We have freedom from our sin and shame. We can call ourselves sons and daughters of the Most High God. We have so much to be thankful for!

All of this is possible with Christ! No matter what your current struggle is, it does not have to be your future. Take every thought captive, choose to replace each negative thought with thankfulness and praise, and watch how God meets you and shows you the way forward in His love. He is the Way!

—Rachel Hamm