Feeling Frustrated? Try One of These 7 Prayers for Anger

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When we face challenges in our daily lives, it's normal to feel frustrated or angry. It could be a tough work situation, a difficult relationship, or unexpected obstacles that test our patience. In those moments, we can always turn to God through prayer.

Prayer is a proactive and empowering way to connect with our Heavenly Father and reflect on our personal feelings. It's a space where we can be honest about our anger and frustrations. So the next time you feel anger, try one of the seven example prayers for anger below.

What Does the Bible Say About Anger?

Anger isn't a sin. After all, Jesus felt anger, and He never sinned. But anger can be dangerous. Can you think of a time when you lost control of your anger, and did or said something you regret? If so, you're definitely not alone.

These are just a few examples of people who let unhealthy anger control their actions. Their stories remind us of how harmful unhealthy anger can be.

Not all anger is bad

Of course, anger isn't always bad. Jesus experienced anger, and He never sinned. In one memorable story, He flipped tables, shouted, and drove people out of the Temple. While that story might feel unsettling, it's an example of how anger can be used for good.

You can find out more about righteous anger in this article, but here's the main point: Righteous anger respects everyone's God-given worth and seeks to undo harmful practices.

  • If our anger doesn't reflect God's love for all people, it isn't righteous.
  • If our anger doesn't leave room for forgiveness, it isn't righteous.
  • And if our anger doesn't make the world more like heaven, it isn't righteous.

How to start processing anger

Other places in the Bible give helpful advice on how to process our anger in healthy ways. Here's one example:

“Don’t sin by letting anger control you.” Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry. Ephesians 4:26

This verse encourages us to take control of our anger, and deal with it quickly. How quickly? Well, the author of Ephesians tells us to process our anger before the sun goes down. But what if you feel angry about something that happens at night? Don't worry, the Bible has you covered:

Don’t sin by letting anger control you. Think about it overnight and remain silent. Psalm 4:4

Did you notice how both start the same way? Everything in the Bible is important, but if something appears twice in the Bible then we should pay extra attention.

Here's the point—we sin when we let anger control our words, actions, and decisions. So how do we stop anger from controlling our actions? By processing our anger in healthy ways.

Prayer is one great way to process anger, and so is spending time reflecting on your emotions. the Psalm above invites us to think about it overnight. So instead of rushing off to make an impulsive decision, we take time to pause, cool off, pray, and reflect.

7 Prayers for Anger, Frustration, and Bitterness

These seven example prayers are designed to help you process your anger, frustration, resentment, or bitterness. We hope they help you find peace, and provide you with an opportunity to grow closer to Jesus.

1. A Calming Prayer For When You Feel Angry or Frustrated

Dear God, Please grant me peace in moments of frustration. Anchor me in your presence. When I feel angry, please help me to pause, breathe, and process my emotions. I don't want to make hurtful, reactive choices, so please calm my mind. I pray that you would show me find healthy ways to express my anger. In Jesus' name, amen.

2. A Prayer to Be Free from Anger, Resentment, and Bitterness

Dear God, please set me free from unhealthy anger, resentment, and bitterness. I want to let go of hurt from the past. Help me to show grace toward others and to myself. I know that you can help me overcome anger and bring peace. Please heal my heart, and remove my anger, resentment, and bitterness. In Jesus' name, amen.

3. A Prayer For When Things Feel Out Of Our Control

Dear God, I pray for a peaceful mind, no matter what life throws my way. The world doesn't rest on my shoulders, so I won't be surprised when things don't go the way I expect. Instead, I will humbly trust you because I know you're in control. Help me to feel calm and to approach individual situations with peace and grace. In Jesus' name, amen.

4. A Prayer When You Feel Righteous Anger at Injustice

Dear God, I feel angry about injustice in the world. I know you share my anger because you love justice and want what's best for everyone. In my anger, please keep me from sin. I pray for wisdom, so my anger can fuel life-giving work that makes the world better for everyone. And please remind me that every person is made in your image, and worthy of respect. In Jesus' name, amen

5. A Prayer for Help Controlling Anger

Dear God, My anger feels out of my control, and I need help. Please provide me with people and resources to increase my self-control. And when my emotions feel overwhelming, please keep me from sin. Let my words be life-giving, and my actions full of grace and mercy. Please give me the courage to seek the help I need so I can be set free from rage. In Jesus' name, amen

6. A Prayer for Being Slow to Anger

God, thank You for being slow to anger, even when I am not. Forgive me when I am quick to judge, gossip, and do other things that sadden You. Teach my tongue to speak with love, my ears to hear with compassion, and my heart to respond with grace. In Jesus' name, Amen.

7. A Prayer for Empathy

God, please make me quick to listen today. Show me how to love others sincerely and practically. Change the way I approach people by replacing my anger and frustration with grace, empathy, and understanding. Fill me with Your peace and love so that my attitude and actions reflect Your character. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Start letting go of anger

We can't always control our environment, but we can control our responses.

So the next time you experience anger, pray for a healthy, God-honoring response. And if you need help managing your anger, reach out to a friend, pastor, or professional counselor for help.