5 Prayers for Focus, Discipline, and Self-Control

Jonah Calhoun • 6 minutes

Have you ever wanted to build a new habit, only for your willpower to fade? Or maybe you wanted to focus on getting closer with your family, but instead of following through and feeling more connected, you got distracted and your relationships continued to feel distant.

We’ve all been there. We want to change, grow, and become self-disciplined, but it’s easier said than done. In the past, we’ve relied on our own limited willpower, but this time let’s turn to God, seeking Him with prayers that can lead to lasting life change. Together, we can invite God to help us live self-controlled, focused lives that honor Him.

Below you’ll find some example prayers for focus, discipline, self-control, consistency, and motivation.

What’s Competing for Your Attention?

We live in a world filled with distractions. Social media, work, and school compete for our limited time and attention. If we’re not careful, distractions can break down good habits, erode trust, and disrupt our closest relationships. A distracted life is an inconsistent life, and it’s hard to follow Jesus when we’re plagued by inconsistency. 

As Pastor Craig Groeschel says in his book Think Ahead:

Inconsistency … infects your life, hurts your health, wrecks your finances, kills your confidence, and interrupts the intimacy you should have with others and the influence you could have on others.
—Pastor Craig Groeschel

Here’s the good news: God wants to show us how to navigate all of life’s distractions. He will teach us to focus on Him and be disciplined and self-controlled—if we invite Him to. One of the best ways to start learning is through prayer.

5 Prayers for Focus, Discipline, and Self-Control

Prayer is choosing to take time to draw close to God and focus on Him. It’s not an instant solution to all our problems, and it’s not magic. Instead, it’s a way we can focus on our relationship with God and, with His help, become more like Him. He’ll grow us in discipline and self-control as we look to Him and listen to Him.

1. A Prayer for Focus

What do you need to focus on? Is there a new habit that you’d like to start? Do you need to focus on getting to know your kids better? Or maybe for you it’s focusing more on homework and less on video games. Whatever it is, God wants to help you focus on what really matters. Let’s ask Him for help:

Dear God, You control the whole world, yet You still care about me. I want to become more focused and less distracted. Please help me to focus my attention on what really matters. And please guard my mind against anything that might distract me from the purpose You have for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

2. A Prayer for Consistency

Focus requires consistency, and consistency can be incredibly difficult. Lots of different and unexpected things happen on a daily basis, so we need to come up with ways to consistently refocus on what matters. There are many good ways to do this, and here are some to get you started: Take time to sit in silence (without your phone), spend time reading the Bible, or connect with your heavenly Father through prayer. By consistently focusing on God, we learn to pay more attention to the most important things in our lives. Let’s pray:

Lord, thank You for Your consistent, unchanging love for me. Help me to follow Your example and learn to be consistent in the things you want me to do and the changes You want me to make. Fill me with the determination to follow through and keep going. With Your strength, I know I can overcome the temptation to quit on the goals You’ve laid before me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

3. A Prayer for Motivation

You want to get started on your next task or project, but you just can’t seem to find the motivation. It’s frustrating when we know what we’re supposed to do, but we just can’t seem to get started. In those moments, we’re invited to turn to God in prayer. Talking with God has the power to inspire us, change our desires, and help us overcome our lack of motivation. Try this example prayer:

Dear God, thank You for Your unwavering commitment to making all things new. Today I’m feeling unmotivated. I want to improve, but I’m struggling. Please change my desires so I can pursue my goals in a way that honors You. Thank You in advance for helping me find the motivation I need and inspiring me to action. In Jesus’ name, amen.

4. A Prayer for Self-Control

Without self-control, we’re defenseless against temptation. Self-control is what enables us to ignore distractions. With self-control, we can choose not to doomscroll on social media. We can decide not to let work or school consume the other areas of our lives. We can catch ourselves before we lash out in anger. We can bounce our eyes away when we’re tempted to look at someone with lust. Yes, self-control can be difficult to develop, but  Galatians 5:22-23 tells us that the Holy Spirit will teach us how, so let’s ask Him to!

God, thank You for showing me the right way to live. I want to avoid pointless or sinful distractions, so please help me be self-controlled in my mind and my actions. When I’m tempted, please help me resist. Help me keep my focus on You as I show Your love in all the day-to-day opportunities that You open up for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

5. A Prayer for Self-Discipline

Our habits determine the direction of our lives, and habits require self-discipline. Whether it’s waking up earlier to pursue a good habit, or experiencing the discomfort of giving up an old habit, life change happens through small, daily sacrifices. Maybe you’ve tried to be self-disciplined in the past, but without long-term success. That’s okay. You can start again today.

Dear God, thank You for showing me what it means to live sacrificially. I don’t want to live an undisciplined life. Please help me to endure the daily challenges that lead me closer to my God-honoring goals. With Your power, I know I can become more self-disciplined. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Keep Pursuing Self-Discipline

Focus, discipline, and self-control are not things you can master in a week. Each of them requires hard work and many small choices over a significant period of time. But beyond our own effort, in order to pursue a self-controlled, God-honoring life, what we need the most is God’s power.

This can all seem a bit intimidating, but remember that every time you make a small decision to focus on God, to be disciplined, or to have self-control, you’re making progress. God changes you one small step—one small choice—at a time. Don’t give up!

For more on living a self-controlled life, check out this article on overcoming temptation.