9 Encouraging Prayers for When You Need God’s Comfort

Katherine Fedor • 8 minutes

There are so many reasons we need God’s comfort every day. But how do we get it? What’s amazing is that comfort and encouragement from God are available just for the asking! God loves to give good things to those who humbly come to Him. Keep reading for ideas of encouraging prayers that can help you find comfort in God.

Are you in a health crisis or facing another day of chronic pain? Dealing with extra family needs? Don’t know what to do about a hard decision? Having trouble at work? Are you grieving a loss? Generally tired or discouraged? God knows your situation, He sees right inside your heart—and He cares about you. He’s right here to walk with you through every breath. 

Comfort comes from taking our eyes off ourselves and our heavy situations, and turning to gaze at the One who can truly help us through anything. When we remember who God is, what He’s done for us, and what He’s promised to keep doing all our lives, it changes our perspective completely and we open ourselves up to His comfort.

Below are some encouraging prayers for when you need God’s comfort. Adapt them to make them your own. God hears you no matter what words you use. Prayer is just talking with God, who is your Maker and the one who loves you more deeply and fully than anyone else does. He’s ready for you to come to Him honestly and vulnerably so He can comfort and help you.

9 Encouraging Prayers for When You Need God’s Comfort

1. A Prayer When I Don’t Know What to Do and I Need Comfort

God, I need Your comfort right now. I don’t know what to do. You see my situation. You know just what to do! Please help me figure out the best next step. I praise You that You are way bigger than this whole thing. I have no idea what I’m supposed to do, but I do know that I need to rely on You, and that You are my Rock all the way through this. I put my trust in You and your provision, protection, and wisdom. Fill me with Your comfort and guide me forward at the right moment, please. In Jesus’ name, amen.

God promises …

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5 NIV

2. A Prayer for When I’m Discouraged

Father, I’m so tired. I feel totally discouraged and I’ve lost my joy. Help! You see how it is inside my soul. Thank You that You are here, You know, You care, and You can bring change. I’m looking to You now—brighten my perspective with Your truth, Your hope, and Your comfort. Thank You that You have new stores of energy for me as I invite You in to fuel me so I can keep walking Your path for me, one foot after the other. Carry me, encourage me, and refresh me, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

God promises …

“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” Isaiah 46:4 NIV

3. A Prayer for Comfort in Uncertainty

Holy Spirit, I’m not sure what’s going to happen next. I’m feeling unsettled and unsteady, and I need Your comfort and solid foundation to hold me up through this difficult waiting season. Thank You that You are not wondering … You know. You are not in the dark—everything is as bright as day to You. You are not at a loss; You have good plans that I can trust. 

Remind me of Your larger purposes that cannot be thwarted. You are in charge here. I give you back all the control (that I never had but wished I did). Please comfort me and give me patience until things get clearer. I’m resting in Your unfailing love, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

God’s got this and He’s got you:

… the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. Psalm 33:11 NIV

4. A Prayer for Comfort in Family Stress and Drama

My Comfort, God of the universe, You made my family, and You put me in it. I know You don’t make mistakes, but I’m having a really hard time right now. I need Your comfort to get through all the things happening in my family. You see it all. Thank You that You’re here with us in the middle of it. Thank You that You care. And You have the power to help. 

Please come shine Your comforting light on all of us and give us courage, help, guidance, and hope. I give you my family and my heart afresh right now. Calm me down and open my eyes to Your provision, wisdom, and goodness—I may have lost track of them at some point. But as I talk with You, I’m remembering now that You are more than enough even for this. Lead us forward together into peace, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Jesus came to …

… proclaim good news to the poor … to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darknessIsaiah 61:1 NIV

5. A Prayer for Comfort When I’m Afraid

Lord Jesus, I’m filled with fear. This situation is scary. Please hurry to comfort me here and now. Protect me, provide for me, and help me. I feel vulnerable and at risk. Show me what I need to do, and come to my rescue. I’m lifting my eyes from what makes me afraid and I’m looking instead at Your power, Your glory, and Your care. You said I don’t need to fear people because You’re the One who comforts me—You who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundation of the earth. That power is way stronger than what I’m afraid of. Keep reminding me who You are—my God who watches over me with love. Keep my attention on You as we walk through this together, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Pray with David, who had plenty to fear:

Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me. Psalm 31:2 NIV

6. A Prayer for Comfort in Pain and Health Struggles

I need You, God. I’m hurting and I don’t know when it will get better. I don’t understand why I’m facing these health problems. Please spread Your mercy and comfort on me and my loved ones now like a warm blanket. Heal me and bring me safely out of this to better times. Give me every bit of strength and hope I’m going to need. Your comfort will get me through, so I choose to trust You even though I don’t have all the answers I’d like. I’m Yours. In Jesus’ name, amen.

God has comfort and compassion for you:

… the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones. Isaiah 49:13 NIV

7. A Prayer for Comfort in Grief

Father God, my heart is broken. No words can help. I need a flood of Your comfort and nearness day and night. Please stay close and hold me tight.

Pray with the shepherd-king David who lost his beloved son …

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4 NIV

8. A Prayer for God’s Comfort

Lord, everything is in a jumble and I’m overwhelmed. I desperately need Your comfort. Show me again who You are and who I am in You. I set my heart and mind on You to receive Your grace, mercy, and comfort. Pour over me everything I need for today. I put my trust back in You from wherever it had temporarily slipped off to. I’ll just keep doing that hour by hour. Thank You that You want me with You—and that You are with me right now. Your presence is enough for me. I praise You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Hold on to God and His promises like the life preservers they are:

My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life. Psalm 119:50 NIV

9. A Prayer for Comfort From the Scriptures

People have needed comfort all through the ages and looked to God to find it. The Bible is full of prayers and passages you can use to connect with God, even when you don’t know what words to pray. Try praying this simple, 2,500-year-old prayer with the psalmist:

Now let your unfailing love comfort me, just as you promised me, your servant. … I have put my hope in your word. My eyes are straining to see your promises come true. When will you comfort me? Psalm 119:76, 81-82 NLT

Life can be a lot. But God’s comfort overflows to us when we humbly reach out to Him.

Life can be a lot. But God’s comfort overflows to us when we humbly reach out to Him. His grace and mercy know no end. His strength and wisdom are second to none. And He’s concerned about each of us because He made us and we’re His. So with any words and emotions that are welling up in you, just call out to Him and tell Him you need Him. He’s eager to listen and help.

God can also use other people to bring comfort. If you don’t already have loving people of faith around you to comfort you—or even if you do—you’re warmly invited to visit us at a Life.Church location, check out Life.Church Online any day of the week, or send us a prayer request so we can join you in your prayers for comfort.