My ‘Everybody Always’ Review: 4 Things Bob Goff Taught Me - Finds.Life.Church

My ‘Everybody Always’ Review: 4 Things Bob Goff Taught Me

by Jordan Wiseman

I can’t talk about my Everybody, Always review without first talking about its author, Bob Goff. A few months ago, I met Bob. As expected, he was one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. His joy and laughter were infectious, and I could tell he truly cared about talking with me. I want to be a lot more like Bob when I grow up.

When Bob’s latest book Everybody, Always released, I couldn’t wait to pick it up and dive in. It’s full of wisdom, and here are just four of the things I learned from it.

I loved Everybody, Always. The biggest reason is probably because I love Bob! He’s trying to be a lot more like Jesus, and his book inspired me to do the same.

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