How I’m Learning to Trust God’s Timing

Madison Sturgill • 3 minutes

Can you believe you’re finally done? Does it feel real yet? How is the job search going? Those are just a few of the questions I get weekly since graduating in May. When I pictured graduating from college, I imagined a lot of different scenarios, but nothing could have prepared me for what it would look like to graduate in the middle of a pandemic. But I’m learning to trust God’s timing—even when it’s definitely not my preferred timing.

I wish I were writing about the dream job I thought I would have by now. I wish I were writing about how perfect the job is for me and what a gift from God it has been. Instead, I’ll tell you how difficult this season has been—how I’ve applied for at least 30 jobs, only two of which followed up with me, both saying the same thing:“We want to thank you for your interest in our company. Unfortunately, at this time, we are moving forward in our search.”

Although this season is uncertain and looks so different than I anticipated, God is teaching me so much about who He is and who He has created me to be.

My first instinct when I don’t like something is usually to get frustrated before I look for the fruit. I’ve found myself complaining to God, saying things like: Why am I waiting, Lord? I’ve worked so hard to get my degree, and now I’m ready to use it! I’m not being useful if I’m unemployed. I’m so bored sitting at home! 

I found myself reading about the Israelites one day, and if you don’t know about the Israelites, they were notorious for complaining. Here’s the short story: God used a man named Moses to rescue the Israelites from Egypt where they were enslaved. He promised them a land filled with milk and honey, but getting there wasn’t going to be easy. Their lives were basically setting up camp, packing up, and walking until it was time to stop and rest again. I can only imagine what they complained about besides manna and water. I’m tired! My feet hurt! How is walking in the wilderness doing any good? I’m so bored!

As I read their story, I couldn’t help but ask, “Are they kidding?!” It may not be glorious, but God so generously provided for them! Who cares if they’re bored or tired of the menu choices—they’re headed toward the Promised Land! 

About two seconds after judging the Israelites, I realized I am the Israelites. Ouch. Between Egypt and the Promised Land, God worked to teach the Israelites important things. In fact, multiple chapters during this story start by stating, “The Lord said to Moses: Say to the Israelites …”  followed by some wisdom God wanted them to learn. God was using the time in the wilderness to teach the Israelites vital information, to grow their relationship with Him, and to teach them to rely on Him. 

I’m learning that, even though I don’t have everything I want, I have everything I need.

I realized this is exactly what God is doing in my season. He’s teaching me to rely on Him. He’s teaching me that, although I don’t have everything I want, I have everything I need. I’m learning that He has created and called me to meet people where they are and encourage them with the truth of Jesus. He’s blessing me with extra time spent with my family and friends that I won’t have again. My time isn’t being wasted during this season—it’s being multiplied.

This season looks different for all of us. For me, it’s been a year of change, disappointment, and lots of unknowns. If you find yourself looking for elusive answers, I challenge you to sit with the Lord and look for the fruit in the middle of your frustration. You might just discover that God’s timing is better than yours—He never wastes our waiting seasons.