
New to Following Jesus?

Baptism is a public way Jesus followers declare their decision to follow Jesus. A pastor or trusted friend stands with you in a pool (or other body of water) and helps you lean back into the water and come right back up and out.

Why Go Underwater? 

But why go underwater? It’s a symbol representing Jesus’ death, resurrection, and new life through Him.

  • Leaning back under the water symbolizes your sins being washed away through Jesus’ death.
  • Being raised out of the water is a picture of being brought back to a new life, like Jesus was raised back to life.

This public declaration of our new life with Jesus is similar to the way Jesus Himself was baptized.

Jesus then appeared, arriving at the Jordan River from Galilee. He wanted John to baptize him. John objected, “I’m the one who needs to be baptized, not you!” But Jesus insisted. “Do it. God’s work, putting things right all these centuries, is coming together right now in this baptism.” So John did it. The moment Jesus came up out of the baptismal waters, the skies opened up and he saw God’s Spirit—it looked like a dove—descending and landing on him. And along with the Spirit, a voice: “This is my Son, chosen and marked by my love, delight of my life.” Matthew 3:13-17 MSG

Now, reread the story and imagine yourself as the person being baptized by John. What’s the water like? How does it feel to hear God’s approval? What does God’s voice say to you specifically? How do you notice the Holy Spirit’s presence?

At the end of Jesus’ time on Earth, He gathered His followers together and shared this mission:

“Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19 MSG

When you’ve said yes to Jesus’ way of life, baptism is one of the next steps you’re invited to take. Remember, it’s a public declaration that says to the world, “I have decided to follow Jesus!”

Pause to Consider

Have you been baptized? What would it be like for you to take this next step of following Jesus? What questions do you still have about baptism? 

Learn more about Baptism

This article is Part 5 of a seven-part series of articles for new followers of Jesus. Let us know you chose to commit your life to Christ here so we can celebrate and support your faith journey. 

Submit a prayer request here.

To see the whole series, follow the links below:

  1. I’m a New Christian. What Do I Do Next?
  2. What Happens After I Say Yes to Jesus?
  3. Who Is God and Where Is He?
  4. Who Is the Holy Spirit and What Does He Do?
  5. What Is Baptism and Why Does It Matter?
  6. How Do I Grow My Relationship With God?
  7. What Am I Learning and What’s Next?