If you’ve ever opened a Bible and started reading from the beginning, you’ve encountered a poetic and mysterious origin story that starts with some of the most famous words in human history.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 NIV
But what exactly is this story in Genesis 1 telling us? Is it a science textbook, a history lesson, or something else entirely?
If you’re feeling a little lost in the creation account, you’re not alone. The book of Genesis is one of the most widely read parts of the Hebrew Bible (also known as the Old Testament), and it raises plenty of questions.
So let’s take a closer look. But before we start, let’s acknowledge the elephant in the room.
What Is the Creation Story About?
Faithful Jesus followers throughout history have come to diverse conclusions about whether this story is literal, poetic, or both.
It can be helpful and faith-building to have respectful conversations about this topic, but that’s not what we’re exploring today. Why? Because the Bible is a book about God and His character, plan, and care for the world.
So in this article, we’re going to focus on what the ancient author of Genesis shows us about God and how the story can change how we think, live, and love today.
Here are some spoilers: The creation story introduces us to God, who brings purpose to chaos, who calls creation good, and who invites us into His rest.
1. God Brings Purpose to Chaos
Before God said, “Let there be light,” there was darkness and chaos. The Spirit of God moved over the waters, and then something incredible happened: God divided the light from the darkness.
As the story progresses, we continue to see a rhythm of creation and separation. A pattern of making things, and giving them a specific role.
The Days of Creation:
- Day One: God separated the light from the darkness.
- Day Two: God divided the waters and created the sky to separate them.
- Day Three: God separated dry land from the water and created all kinds of plant life.
- Day Four: God set the greater light (sun) to govern the day and the lesser light (moon) to govern the night.
- Day Five: God created all the birds to fill the sky and great sea creatures to fill the waters.
- Day Six: God created humanity in His image, and created all the creatures that live on land.
- Day Seven: God rested and made the seventh day holy, completing His work of creation.
The author of Genesis wants us to know that God is intentional, and He speaks order into the places that seem formless and empty. This means life is not random or meaningless.
If you ever feel like your life is spiraling out of control, the creation story can remind you that God is not a god of confusion. And if you’ve ever wondered if you have a purpose, this story can remind you how God created everything and everyone with a role to play.
2. God’s Creation Is Good (Including You!)
As God created the heavens and the earth, He kept pausing to take it all in. And every time, He saw that it was good. The dry land earth, the seed-bearing plants, the trees bearing fruit, the birds, the great sea creatures, and all the animals on the land—all of it was all good.
Human beings weren’t just another part of creation—we were made to reflect Him.
And then, God made something unique: God created man in His image. Human beings weren’t just another part of creation—we were made to reflect Him. And when God looked at us, He didn’t just call us good. He called us very good.
You Are Made in God’s Image
In the ancient world, an “image” was a physical representation of a king or deity—a visual reminder of who rules the land. But God didn’t need a statue to represent His authority. Instead, He made people His loved, cared-for representatives.
That means you, right now, exactly as you are, are part of God’s good creation. You’re not an accident. You were made with intention and value. The same God who set the stars in place also made you in His image as the centerpiece of His creation.
3. God Wants Us to Experience Rest
After six days of creation, God did something unexpected. On the seventh day, God rested.
This might be one of the most surprising parts of the creation account. God didn’t need rest, so why would He take a break? Because He was marking something sacred. God wasn’t just showing us how to work; He was showing us how to stop. Rest is built into the fabric of creation itself.
Maybe that’s why, thousands of years later, early Christians and Jewish communities were still observing sacred times of rest like the Sabbath. It’s a reminder that we were never meant to hustle endlessly. We were made to pause, breathe, and trust that God is in control.
So, What Does This Story Mean for Us Today?
The book of Genesis may be a little weird to modern readers, and it certainly won’t answer every question we have about science or history. But that’s okay! Because that’s not really the main point of the story. Instead, Genesis invites us to see something bigger—to see a God who brings purpose to chaos, who calls creation good, and who invites us into His rest.
So the next time you read the Hebrew Scriptures and come across the creation story, try asking yourself: What does this teach me about God? What does it reveal about His character? And how does it shape the way I see my life today?