Here Are 4 Prayers for Freedom From Anxious Thoughts

Hailey Neu • 4 minutes

Anxiety, the most common mental disorder in the world, takes its shape in many forms. About 40 percent of adults have experienced some form of anxiety, but thankfully, the Bible provides very clear verses about freeing yourself from much of its power. But before we go too much farther, can we pray for you? Let us know if you'd like us to join you in prayer for your thought life. 

Am I trying to tell you that if you’re struggling with anxiety that you’re not praying hard enough? Or that you’re not praying the “right” prayers? Or that if you do pray the right prayers and read the right Bible verses everything will be all better? No to all of those questions.

But, anxiety affects us body, mind, and spirit. If we want to fight it well, we should come at it from all angles. We take good care of our bodies: we rest and see a doctor for help. We take good care of our minds: we talk to counselors, therapists, pastors, mentors, and trusted friends. And, we certainly take good care of our spirits: we fill ourselves with God’s Word to fight anxious lies. We strengthen our spirits by worshiping God with a community of other believers. We pray. And we pray some more!

It can sometimes be daunting to admit to God that you’re fearing something … but if we can’t be honest with God, we can’t approach Him for the freedom and healing we so desperately need.

The Apostle Paul notes in Philippians 4:6 CEB, “Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks.” What about prayer? How do we pray for the freedom from worry and fears that the Bible calls us to have? It can sometimes be daunting to admit to God that you’re fearing something, even though you understand that He has full control over the situation. But if we can’t be honest with God, we can’t approach Him for the freedom and healing we so desperately need.

4 Prayers for Freedom from Anxious Thoughts

So, no more hiding. It’s time to start praying prayers for freedom. They don’t have to be long. They don’t have to be complicated. They just have to be honest. Your prayers for freedom might sound something like these.

Prayer for Freedom from Anxiety Over Family

Thank you so much for blessing me with my family. Please help me with all of my anxious thoughts about them. I want to feel free from the debilitating worries about their safety, happiness, and health. Please provide me with strength, because I can’t do this without You.
In Jesus’ name,

Prayer for Freedom from Anxiety Over Work

I appreciate the blessing that my job is. Thank You for providing me with a way to provide for myself and my family. I feel very stressed and anxious about it, though. I fear for my job’s security, and I worry about the stress that comes with work. Please help me to feel secure, to trust that You will always have a plan for me, and that You will never let me down. I can’t do this on my own. I need Your strength and comfort to get through this.
In Jesus’ name,

Prayer for Freedom from Anxiety Over the Future

I fear what the future holds. I understand that You know the plans You have for me, but I’m still afraid. Please help me to be receptive to Your Word, and not the enemy’s. Please help me to open my heart and trust in You, rather than experiencing anxiety about the future. I want to experience the freedom that Your Word calls me to have. Thank You, Lord.
In Jesus’ name,

Prayer for Freedom from Anxiety Over Insecurities

Dear Lord,
Please help me understand that You make no mistakes, and that I don’t need to worry about anything. I’m feeling anxious about my insecurities, so please provide me with the strength to accept myself like You do, so that my anxiety diminishes. I need Your comfort so I can be free from these anxious thoughts. I can’t do it on my own. I am so thankful for everything that You’ve done for me already.
In Jesus’ name,

See? Simple. Honest. You can pray like this, too. Go somewhere quiet. Take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. Pray slowly. Sit for a bit, and let God soothe you through His Holy Spirit. I know that honest prayers will help you to feel free from the darkness that anxiety brings to your life.