How My Grandma Helped Me When I Felt Beyond Helping

Danny Duran • 2 minutes

How can we help people who seem beyond helping?

I was raised in a broken home where drugs, alcohol, and physical abuse were common. It didn’t take long for me to take on some of the same bad characteristics I saw daily. Before I knew it, I was drinking alcohol and stealing drugs from my stepdad’s stash to sell or consume. I remember walking home one morning to get ready for school after a night of drinking and drug use. I looked in the mirror and realized I’d become someone I despised—someone I’d promised myself I’d never be. I let self-pity justify it, though, and convinced myself this was my destiny.

During this time, my grandmother persistently prayed for me and invited me to church. I lived in a small town where news travels fast, so she was aware of my substance abuse. Some weekends I would give in and agree to go, so I had to make sure I didn’t party quite as hard the night before. Thankfully, she kept praying God would show me His love and reveal the plans He had for me.

Through their love and acceptance, I was able to see Christ’s love for me.


Looking back, it’s amazing to see how God orchestrated the timeline of events. My grandmother’s love and her ability to look past my faults led me to a family willing to take a chance on a troubled teen. They took me in as their own. Through their love and acceptance, I was able to see Christ’s love for me. It’s because of that Jesus-like love I’m now a changed man—one with a wonderful marriage and children who will be raised knowing the amazing love I once was unaware of. I gained all this because people were able to love like Jesus.