5 Secrets to Good Decision Making

Craig Groeschel • 2 minutes

In this episode of the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast, I answer a few of your questions about how to encourage creativity and how to avoid micromanaging. I also get to the root of good decision making—and how we can all start to make better decisions.

The decisions we make today determine the stories we tell tomorrow.


Our generation has a growing problem with indecision and the anxiety that comes with it. But the decisions we make today determine the stories we tell tomorrow. So what’s holding people back? Here are a few reasons you might find yourself having a difficult time making good decisions.

• Too many options. Have you ever picked an in-flight movie? When there are five or six options, it’s easy to choose one. But when you open up Netflix, it’s increasingly difficult to find something to watch because there is just too much to choose from.
• The illusion of perfection. While we see every bump, scrape, and bruise in our own lives, we often only see the highlights of everyone else’s. We’re afraid of making imperfect decisions.
• Haven’t developed the skill. Many people just haven’t needed to practice decision making. Good decisions come from experience.

Like many other things, we can get better at good decision making by practicing.

Here are 5 things you can do to sharpen good decision making:

1. Avoid either/or scenarios. As often as you can, expand your options.

2. Avoid decision fatigue like the plague. Make the decisions only you can make, and delegate the rest. Not only does this help you avoid making too many decisions, but it also empowers everyone around you to lead.

3. Become your own personal advisor. Ask yourself, “What would I tell myself in this situation?” Remove your own emotions from the situation when you’re too close to a decision.

4. Decide when you’re going to decide. Make two separate lists: a “to-do” list, and a “to-decide” list. Bulk your decisions together. I make as many of my decisions as I can on Thursday. In fact, time management is its own skill! I’ve talked a little more in-depth about that in a previous episode.

5. Listen for spiritual direction. Proverbs 16:9 says this: We can make our plans, but the ʟᴏʀᴅ determines our steps. I keep a list of every time I feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to make a decision.

If you want to learn more about how to seek God’s will in your life, I hope you’ll check out my book, Divine Direction: 7 Decisions That Will Change Your Life, watch our Divine Direction message series, or start the Divine Direction Bible Plan!