What Is a LifeGroup? Plus 7 Other LifeGroup Questions Answered

Austin Taylor • 5 minutes

Have you ever heard about LifeGroups during a Life.Church service, in the lobby, or on social media and wondered to yourself, “What exactly is a LifeGroup, and why should I be in one?” Hang with us here, and hopefully this post will answer that question and others you may have. 

1. What is a LifeGroup?

LifeGroups are small groups of trusted people who help you grow closer to Jesus. LifeGroups are the friends you grow, laugh, and serve with. LifeGroups gather in people’s homes, coffee shops, and other places where people love to hang out together—including online.

LifeGroups create a space for people to intentionally share their lives with others, grow spiritually together, and encourage each other through the highs and lows of life.

2. Why should I be in a LifeGroup?

First, we weren’t created to go through life alone. In the Bible we find consistent encouragement to gather with other followers of Jesus: 

Second, your LifeGroup will be there to celebrate your happiest moments and support you through your toughest seasons. Joining a LifeGroup positions these friends in your life now so they’re there when life happens. 

Finally, you have a calling to speak truth and encouragement into others. God will use your LifeGroup to impact you, but He’ll also use you to impact your LifeGroup!

3. How do I join a LifeGroup?

Simple! Find a LifeGroup near you using our online LifeGroups search tool.

4. What do you actually do in a LifeGroup?

Every LifeGroup is unique, so each one will look a little bit different. Some discuss the weekend message or go through Bible studies, others complete Bible Plans on YouVersion, some serve together in the community, and some play board games or skateboard once a month.

Two things you’ll find in every LifeGroup, though, are relationships and conversations that help you grow spiritually and personally.

5. Is it okay to “shop around” for a LifeGroup?

Absolutely! It’s understandable to want to find people you feel comfortable opening up to and developing friendships with. That being said, if you’ve joined a LifeGroup and aren’t sure if it’s the right fit for you, don’t give up. Keep in mind that there’s no such thing as a perfect LifeGroup, because there are no perfect people. Remember to have grace and patience during the process. If it’s clear that this group isn’t the best fit for you, though, give another group a try. 

6. Is it awkward (or dangerous) to show up at a stranger’s house and talk about my life?

Let’s be real. It can be a little awkward to meet any new group of people. Here’s what we can promise, though: If you’ll make a conscious decision to embrace the initial awkwardness and keep showing up, something amazing will happen. Over time, your LifeGroup will start to feel less like a group of strangers and more like people you’ve known your whole life. Yes, it’s a place you can find friends! Push through those little moments of weirdness as you get to know each other. It’s always worth it!

Also, rest assured that every LifeGroup leader goes through a background check and onboarding process. We’re committed to identifying solid leaders and creating a safe environment for anyone who joins a LifeGroup.

7. What do I do with my kids while I’m at LifeGroup?

Different groups navigate this in different ways. Some take turns paying for a babysitter or all pitch in together to hire one. Others have the kids watch a movie or Bible App for Kids video while the adults meet. Some even include the kids in everything they do as a group. If you need to join a group that has a space for children, talk with your LifeGroups/LifeMissions team and they can recommend some great options near you. 

If God has placed a certain passion or calling within you, He might want you to take a step of faith and launch a LifeGroup around it

8. What if there’s not a LifeGroup for what I’m looking for?

This might be a sign that God is calling you to start a group! If God has placed a certain passion or calling within you, He might want you to take a step of faith and launch a LifeGroup around it.

And know this: You won’t be doing it alone. Your local LifeGroups/LifeMissions team will provide support every step of the way: helping you get your group started, resourcing you with content and curriculum, and making sure you have everything you need to be successful.

Wherever you live and however your life is going right now, we hope you’ll know and embrace this truth: God created you to live in community. Life is better together!

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