What would your faith look like if you truly believed God could do the impossible? Would your prayers be bolder? Would your actions reflect deeper trust?
Throughout Scripture, we see that God invites us to step out in faith—even when we don’t have all the answers. But what does bold faith really look like in our everyday lives? Together, let's explore three practical steps to grow a faith that’s bold and unwavering.
What Is a Bold Faith?
Bold faith is choosing to trust God and take action, even when you don’t have all the answers.
It’s believing that God is who He says He is and living like it’s true—praying big prayers, standing firm when life gets tough, and sharing His hope with others. Bold faith doesn’t mean you never feel afraid; it just means you trust God more than your fear.
What Do You Want?
In the book of John, two men begin following Jesus. But before anything else happens, Jesus turns to them and asks a profound question:
“Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, ‘What do you want?’” —John 1:38 NIV
It’s not the only time Jesus asks this question. In Mark 10:51, He asks a blind man the same thing: “What do you want me to do for you?” It might seem obvious—the blind man would want to see, right? But Jesus doesn’t assume. His question invites honesty, reflection, and faith.
What if Jesus asked you the same question today? Would you have the faith to ask for something big? Would you believe that He has the power to transform your life?
3 Steps to Having a Bold Faith
In John 1:37-42, we see three steps to having bold faith.
1. Choose to believe.
The two men following Jesus had only heard about Him. They didn’t have all the proof. They didn’t have a full picture of who He was. But they chose to believe anyway.
Faith often requires a willingness to trust in what we cannot see. Abraham, for example, believed God’s promise even when reality made it seem impossible. Christians throughout history have stepped out in faith, standing firm in their belief despite the world's doubts.
Bold faith starts with a decision to trust God even when we don’t have all the answers.
2. Spend time with Jesus.
When the disciples followed Jesus, He invited them to come and see where He was staying. He wanted to spend time with them. And He wants the same with us.
In Luke 10:38-42, we see this in action. Two sisters, Mary and Martha, welcomed Jesus into their home. But while Martha was busy with preparations, Mary simply sat at Jesus’ feet, listening. When Martha complained, Jesus told her that Mary had chosen what was better—time with Him.
The more we spend time with Jesus, the more we become like Him, which makes our faith stronger.
Praying, reading the Bible, and reflecting on His Word help us deepen our trust, too. When we immerse ourselves in God's presence, we realize that we are never alone in our struggles.
3. Spread the Word.
John 1:40-42 tells us that the first thing Andrew did after meeting Jesus was find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah.” Then, he brought Simon to Jesus.
When we experience God’s goodness, we can’t keep it to ourselves. Bold faith compels us to share the hope we’ve found.
This is a calling for all believers. James reminds us that faith without works is dead. Our belief should inspire us to act—to pray for others, to encourage, and to stand firm even in the face of fear. Whether it’s through our words, our actions, or our prayers, we have the opportunity to share Christ's love with the world.
What’s Your Next Step?
Bold faith isn’t about having it all figured out—it’s about trusting God enough to take the next step.
So, what do you want? What are you believing God for today?
Start by choosing to believe in Him. Spend time with Jesus. And don’t keep your bold faith private. Instead, share what He’s doing in your life. Because faith isn’t just personal. It’s meant to be lived out and shared.
Your journey of faith is a testimony. It’s a reminder that no matter the struggle, Jesus is with you. Even when you feel afraid, even when the world tells you to give up, bold faith calls you to stand firm. Just as God raised Jesus from the dead, He has the power to raise your faith, your courage, and your willingness to follow Him.
Faith isn’t just about what you believe—it’s about acting on it. So take a step today, no matter how small, and watch how God moves in your life.