I love a good story, and if the story is in a movie format, all the better. Sometimes when I’m listening to the Bible (because hey, with the Bible app, you can do that), I come across a great story that makes me stop, close my eyes, and imagine the scene unfolding before me. It’s like a movie playing out in my mind with a stellar cast, a dramatic soundtrack, and cutting-edge special effects. Just for fun, I thought of three Bible stories that would be great movies.
Bible stories are full of drama, action, and inspiration—just like many of my favorite movies!
So many Bible stories are full of drama, action, and inspiration—just like many of my favorite movies. I’m talking about cities being destroyed, women leading armies to victory, fields of zombies coming back to life. Ready to imagine the next blockbuster with me?
Joshua and Jericho. (Joshua 6:1-27) This is an epic but unusual battle story. I picture Joshua (Gerard Butler), the strong leader who follows God’s unexpected command, marching around the walled city with his army in silence. Imagine them camped in the evenings, Joshua and his men by the fire. He encourages them to stay the course, to trust God and His plan. Feel the vibrations as they march on that seventh day, and hear the deafening roar as they shout on that final lap around the city. Horns blaring, people screaming, walls falling. The music swells with the sounds of victory. And as the credits roll, I’m reminded once again that I can always trust God and His plan, even when it doesn’t make sense.
Judge Deborah. (Judges 4:1-34) Deborah served as a judge in Israel, during a time when the people were generally not serving God, and were living in oppression from a Canaanite king and his military leader, Sisera. Deborah meted out judgments regarding disputes among the Israelites—until God called her to more. In my mind, I see Deborah (Gal Gadot) is ready when God calls her to recruit a military leader named Barak (Viggo Mortensen) to head into battle against Sisera. When he says he will not fight without her, she agrees to go without hesitation. There’s deafening thunder as 900 iron chariots, led by Sisera (Russell Crowe) clash with the army of 10,000 Israelites. When the battle is won, Deborah and Barak raise a song of victory, the screen goes dark, and I’m inspired to see all God has brought me through as preparation for whatever He brings next.
The Valley of Bones. (Ezekiel 37:1-14) This feels a little like a reverse zombie movie, without the bitey, growly monsters. I imagine Ezekiel (Daniel Day-Lewis) as an old man, reflecting on the incredible things he’s seen in his life. His mind zeroes in on one horrifying, amazing scene. God once told him that despite Israel being practically a “dead” nation, with no land, king, or temple, He would restore its former blessings. Realizing that Ezekiel might have doubted because of everything he’d seen Israel struggle through, God took him to a valley full of dry bones. “Speak to the bones,” God (Morgan Freeman, who else?) says. He instructs Ezekiel to tell them to come together and become living flesh again. I get chills when I imagine the sound of those bones rattling, the sight of muscles and skin forming over skeletons, and the wind whipping to fill the renewed bodies with breath. When Ezekiel relays the message to the people, he gives them (and me) hope by reminding them that nothing is beyond God’s power to renew and restore.
See what I mean? Wouldn’t those be awesome movies? And if you love learning from movies like I do, don’t miss At the Movies.