Moms do a million sacrificial things every single day, both obvious and unseen. Even on Mother’s Day, the needs don’t stop. Diapers still need to be changed, mouths still need to be fed, and guidance still needs to be given, regardless of whether or not anyone says, “Thank you, Mom.”
Motherhood is sacred, beautiful, and important—but it can sometimes feel like a thankless job.
Motherhood is sacred, beautiful, and important—but it can sometimes feel like a thankless job. So, in honor of Mother’s Day, here’s to the loving and selfless moms we shouldn’t forget to thank, as well as the brave mamas who are currently in the trenches and need to hear these words.
Thank you, Mom.
- Thank you for putting up with relentless nausea and excruciating contractions just to bring me into this world.
- Thank you for changing my diaper 3,276 times.
- Thank you for washing my favorite stuffed animals, clipping my tiny fingernails, and getting my bathwater just the right temperature.
- Thank you for adjusting and re-adjusting my toddler socks when the lack of proper alignment almost made me (and you) lose all sanity.
- Thank you for cleaning my throw-up out of your favorite rug.
- Thank you for buckling and unbuckling my car seat more times than I can count. And thanks for teaching me to count!
- Thank you for teaching me that the warm sunshine and juicy apples and colorful tulips were all made by the same God—the brilliant designer who created me.
- Thank you for carrying me to bed when I fell asleep in the car.
- Thank you for forfeiting precious sleep to feed me, rock me, console me, fetch me a glass of water, chase away monsters, ease thunderstorms, and remind me that Jesus is enough.
She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. Proverbs 31:25 NLT
- Thank you for sitting through every freezing cold and burning hot sporting event.
- Thank you for staying up until 2:00am helping me with the science project I forgot to mention until bedtime.
- Thank you for listening.
- Thank you for sacrificing.
- Thank you for modeling how to say “I’m sorry” and “I forgive you.”
- Thank you for feeding me meal upon meal and snack upon snack (and for feeding my friends too).
- Thank you for listening and persevering through my bumpy teenage years.
- Thank you for reading your Bible in front of me. It’s true that more is caught than taught.
When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. Proverbs 31:26 NLT
- Thank you for never giving up on me, even when I wanted to give up on myself.
- Thank you for reminding me to wait on God and listen for that gentle prompting of His quiet voice.
- Thank you for showing me compassion: the upside-down perspective of putting myself in someone else’s shoes.
- Thank you for teaching me that life isn’t fair, and neither is God’s grace.
- Thank you for allowing me to wrestle with doubt and learn to occupy my own faith.
- Thank you for still praying for me, loving me, encouraging me, and supporting me—even as an adult.
- Most of all, thank you for gifting me with an eternal legacy that reaches beyond this physical life, for teaching me the timeless ways of God, and for pointing me to the limitless redemption that’s found in Jesus Christ.
Honestly, Mom. I could never thank you enough.
Charm is deceptive and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Proverbs 31:30 NLT