12 Ideas for Ringing in the Holidays With a Small Group

Jenn Jewell • 4 minutes

Spoiler alert: The holidays are here! Some of you just squealed with delight, while others are searching for the closest dark hole to sink into right about now. But don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. Do you know what makes the holidays more than bearable? Fantastic even? (Other than Jesus coming into the world and initiating the greatest rescue mission this planet has ever known?)

Your LifeGroup. Seriously.

Don’t have a LifeGroup? Find yours.

In many ways, your LifeGroup is the Holiday Support Group you desperately need.

Your LifeGroup isn’t one more thing on your already exhausting to-do list. It’s the secret ingredient for making the holidays better, richer, and a whole lot sweeter. In many ways, your LifeGroup is the Holiday Support Group you desperately need.

So, how can we keep our in-person and online LifeGroups humming through the holidays?

Here are 12 LifeGroup holiday ideas:

  1. Roast chestnuts on an open fire. Or maybe s’mores around a fire pit? Either way, you can chat about the weekend’s message with a cozy atmosphere.
  1. Volunteer with one of Life.Church’s many local mission partners. Local partners are a great way to engage with your people, your community, and the meaning of Christmas.
  1. Plan a Friendsgiving feast on the night you already meet. Laugh together. Take communion together. Share thankfulness. Enjoy each other’s company!
  1. Read the Christmas story together as a group. Pick the person with a voice that sounds the most like Linus, and let them read aloud. Or, just use the audio version on the Bible App. Try Luke chapter 2. (It’s the one Linus recited.)
  1. Go caroling with Life.Church invites and baked goodies. If your singing sounds more like a dying animal, opt for a warm smile and homemade cinnamon rolls instead.
  1. Help a foster family out with gift buying, a turkey, and/or necessities. Don’t know who needs support? The pastors at your campus can point you in the right direction.
  1. Have a gingerbread house decorating contest. Listen, this is fun with adults, but it’s also a great way to include entire families. Make it a tradition with a trophy!
  1. Go look at lights! Or drink hot chocolate! Or play board games! Or ice sugar cookies! It really doesn’t matter what you choose to do. It’s more about sharing traditions with your friends. Most of all, do it together.
  1. Schedule your LifeGroup Christmas party on the night you already meet. With school programs, shopping lists to cross off, family visits, and office parties abounding, it’s probably going to make everyone’s calendar happier not to search for (yet another) free time slot for a LifeGroup event.
  1. Have a regular, non-fancy, no-fuss LifeGroup night. Sometimes—in the midst of the chaos—we all crave a little normalcy. If your group is feeling stressed and overextended, a chill night together where all “holiday extras” are banned may the best idea yet.
  1. Serve (or attend) one of the many incredible Life.Church Christmas services together as a group. Never mind the last sentence on point 10. Actually, this idea is probably the best yet.
  1. Turn New Year’s resolutions into God-centered visions for next year. Share your dreams and goals with one another, hold each other accountable, and pour out encouragement along the way.
  1. If you’re not in a LifeGroup right now, find one! A bonus, because holiday cookies come in a baker’s dozen. Check out the wall in your lobby, talk to a pastor, ask friends, maybe start one, but definitely find one.

Whatever you do, be creative, stay flexible, and let grace be your guide. Let the holiday season be full of memories your LifeGroup will create together. Let it truly be a season of remembering the beauty of Immanuel, God with us, together. Let your LifeGroup be a warm and bright gathering in a cold and dark season. Something we all need a little more of.

What are church small groups?